Los Angeles, California

Where paradise turns to hell





Roland Michel Tremblay








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Where am I? What have I done?

I will never go anywhere

Suicidal No More

I wish I was a bum

Los Angeles already has its hook on me

I don’t want to fall in love again!

Permanent Summer with Palm Trees and Canyons

I’m a pussy

My Great Shitting and Peeing Period

I’m a Pedophile

I can kiss my career in politics goodbye

Why have I not thought of that first?

Whatever it is you couldn’t stand about me

My Imaginary Girlfriend

My Real Boyfriend

You can rape me all you want

My new big venture will destroy everything

How and why has this reached me?

I’m closer than ever

Can I be even more metaphysical than that?

My Island

Los Angeles does not really exist

One billion deaths is not enough for me

Private Equity, our New Religion

We may still save humanity in America

The extinction of humanity

Hail to the bugs, the true leaders of this world

Awareness in San Francisco

My Rough Edges

Do I have to be completely off my mind?

My attempt to find happiness

Child Suicide

Jesus Christ was a Homosexual

I must be drunk to provoke you like that

I came to Los Angeles to become a positive force

I Feel Elated!

My Darkest Thoughts

Beyond that Californian Mountain

I want to be a Damn Modern Californian Hippy!

Who else can I destroy?

Study your symbolism, for god’s sake!


You tried to get me sacked, this is War

The World is filled with Backstabbers

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, I’ve been told to stop talking about my sexuality

Drinking yourself to death in L.A.

They’ve been testing me, like a rat!

You’re not so cool after all

A Cool Summer Day in London

Oh my God! How will I survive this?

Reaching an L.A. Crisis

I finally went to Disney Land, Heek!

Got to get back to some sense of normality

It always comes back to that, isn’t it?

Where the fuck am I?

I thought you were dead

Feeling orgasmic about… another project

500,000 people in New Orleans need mental health services

The Decline of the Gay American Empire

I’m in Awe!

I fell in love in Cannes

Tomorrow will be such a great day all over L.A.!

Sweet Chinese Girl

I can get away with murder, remember that

I’m Unstoppable!

Power is nothing

Tomorrow, we’re all sick

One more day in the Bible Belt, and I might have to shoot you all

Desperate for a gun in America

The Mormon’s Disney Land in Utah

What Salt Lake City has got to offer

Let me buy you out just to shut you up

Just continue to follow the trends

Compensating for being Extra Fat

I’m Dying Here!

I’ve survived another suicide attempt

I cannot be trusted, I will fail every time

Qu’en pensez-vous?

Hounslow West, my Lesser Hell

I’m crying for London again!

Another legal action against me

Wild in L.A.

Desperately Seeking Pubic Lice Lotion in L.A.

Completely screwed up

There’s no end to it

Tonight I am alive!

I Shall be Free!

There is still hope for me

You must think I’m an old pervert

Notice of Resignation, The Perfect Sample Letter

Leaving Los Angeles

Garage Sale, a Bargain!

Whatever your achievements, it will always be useless

Living beyond everyone’s expectations

Do we need to alienate the whole world?

I have lived! And now I can die…



Where am I? What have I done?


I am lost

Took a wrong turn at some point

And now I have been shipped to L.A.

Without my will

Without being aware

Just followed destiny

The path all laid out for me

Destiny must be wrong

I don’t feel right

I belong to London

I belong to England

Oh my King, will you ever forgive me

For abandoning you like this

Sacrificing everything for something I don’t believe in

Seemed so attractive at the time

Seemed so promising and filled with opportunities

Which have not materialized

Perhaps it is because I have done nothing since I am here

I have not tried to connect to anyone

I am so tired

Just thinking about doing anything is a killer

I just want to go to bed and sleep forever

I have no more dreams

No more goals

I am as good as dead

Hollywood, Los Angeles, California

Killed my last hope





I will never go anywhere


You can have all the talent in the world

You can have all the potential that you will ever need

You can be driven to madness with your work

And write and write and write until you drop dead

You can have produced everything there is under the sun

You can have done it all and then done it all again

And yet, you are not going anywhere anytime soon

You can move closer to the buzz

You can be right in the middle of it all

Where it is all happening

And yet, nothing is happening

Nothing will ever happen

You are stuck on this planet forever

With nowhere to go

Nothing to hope for

Disillusioned by what life has to offer

For your happiness at least

The void, the big large void

You have never existed

You will never exist

Thirty years completely wasted


Where would I be today

Without those stupid dreams

That drove me to insanity?

Not in Hollywood, that’s for sure

What was I thinking?

I must be mad

How can I correct my mistake?

How can I go back in time

And stop this from ever happening

How can I just erase those last few months

How can I change my life for the better?


Is there not a quick guide

An instruction book somewhere?

To make everything easier

To prevent you from destroying your life

And the life of others who love you?


I am in a Black Hole

The biggest of all

At the end of the funnel

I’ll be crushed

I think I’ve reached that point

There is no going back

No one escapes Black Holes

You would have thought I would have seen it coming

You would have thought I would have found a way out

Dreams make you blind

Dreams bring your downfall


I will have to pay for my mistakes

I will never go anywhere

Ever again





Suicidal No More


I told myself

No more will I think of suicide

No more will I be so depressed

I need some positivism in my life

It is all psychological anyway

I just have to change my attitude towards life


I was going to become alive

Under the great Californian sun

I was going to grow

Be more mature

Finally become an adult

Take my responsibilities

Sort myself out


You don’t change

You can move

You can forget your past

You can re-organize your life

You never change


At least I am not suicidal anymore

It is all psychological anyway

I do not let these thoughts come alive

I no longer drink myself to death

And let the devil in

Temptation, temptation, temptation

The little devil is coming back in

I can’t stop him

I’ll have to become suicidal again


I have not found what I was looking for in L.A.

A few palm trees out of my window

A Californian driving license

A tour of all the studios in Burbank

Just won’t do the trick


I don’t belong to this world

Even if I were to belong

I cannot belong in just a small capacity

That’s not me, that’s not what I want

I don’t want to be a name in the final generic

I want to be central to my revolution

I want to create the biggest revolution ever

I want to have such an impact

It will shake the planet


Oh, now I understand what my problem is

Of course there’s no solution

To my insatiable thirst for power

I want to be a force of nature

Who could ever be a force of nature?

I could not, it is impossible



I’m afraid

Palm trees

Just won’t do





I wish I was a bum


Work tomorrow

I would do anything not to go

I’ve got to work on my other projects tonight

I would do anything not to

I’ve got some dreams to make come true

I would do anything to just forget about it all


I wish I was a bum

With no jobs

With no aspirations

Without a dream


So simple life could have been

Just be a bum

Don’t worry about anything

No more stupid ideas

No more obligations

No more anything

Just live your day to day bum’s life

What a wonderful concept!


Instead of being a corporate drone

Instead of being an industry whore

Instead of being a bitch and be control by bitches

Just be a bum!


Save yourself the trouble

No more work ever!

No more responsibilities ever!

No more goals to achieve, ever!

Just go back where you came from

And just die there on some social securities

Or just make your bed somewhere on a lost street

Or in a park in the woods

Eat from the garbage cans

Or find some eatable roots or something

Or just let yourself die in the gutter

Perfect for me


That’s what I’ll do next

Let me work on it

Let me reorganize my schedule to make it come true

Let me start dreaming about it

It is my next big goal in life


I’ll become a bum

Your first rate bum

And I’ll be the happiest bum alive

Without the faculty of thinking


How I wish I was a bum…





Los Angeles already has its hook on me


I’m afraid to admit it

I don’t want to realize it

Dear, dear, dear

Los Angeles has already won my heart

I would not be able to live without it

And yet, I am already in love with England!

What am I gonna do?

I cannot have a home in both places

Though I think this is what I will have to do

Six months here, six months there

No other solutions

I now have two lovers

Too much love that I can deal with

Extraordinary how one little trip downtown can do to you

When you feel you are right in the center of the universe

There is nothing beyond Burbank

Anyone of any importance is here

No ideas go anywhere if it does not first go through Burbank

It is so well concentrated in the same area

I wonder why terrorists never thought of launching an attack

It is where the real power is


Can I be so easily impressed?

Am I such a loser?



I have not learned anything, have I?

I won’t leave this place

Better work at bringing my other lover here

Let’s work it out somehow

I’m not going back

Los Angeles has done something to me

And I don’t like it


And I thought I could never fall in love again





I don’t want to fall in love again!


I am guilty!

I have betrayed everything that I loved!

I secretly wanted it so badly

And now that it has happened

I can’t stand it!

It is tearing me apart!

I don’t want to fall in love again!


God please help me

Make sense of it all

What is it that I fell in love with?

Is it just an idea, a concept?

Is it more profound than that?

This history of places, of people, of deaths?

Somewhere in Maryland, in New Mexico, in the Nevada Desert?

Having Death Valley around the corner?

Losing myself in the dunes, the sun, the infinite…

Is this what I fell in love with? Tell me

Is there a cure?

Was I allowed to see too much?

Was it too soon?

Was I ready to fall in love again?

I don’t think so

Now it has happened

I have to deal with it

I have to



I was already in love with the greatest cutest little thing

It was called England

It was my playing field

And believe me I played hard there

I am crying again, and again, and again

Everything there is to cry

The most beautiful thing ever

So sweet and so much in love with me

How could I ever trade you for anything else?

I could never

I would prefer to die


The floodgate is opened

The tornadoes are raging

The earthquakes are comin’


I am at the dawn of a new life

I can see it emerging in front of my eyes

It is huge

It is powerful

It is far reaching

It is all I have ever hoped for

The price to pay might just be too much


It is too late now

I’m already in love






Permanent Summer with Palm Trees and Canyons


What is there not to love in the San Fernando Valley?

It is always sunny

From whatever direction you look at

Sure enough you will see

Palm Trees


Clean sidewalks

Little white houses

Purity to infinity

Innocence of a world

That has nothing to do with Hollywood

My universe is of a bright white


Puts all your thoughts in order

Of a tranquility not found in London

Suburbs of Los Angeles

With canyons in every directions

Topanga Canyon is the closest

Huge rock face with weird flowers and cacti

After it is Malibu Beach

Miles of sand with blue water

The Californian coast a few miles away

The heat of the sun keeps my balcony floor warm at night

And when it rains, it is a nice little rain

My simple little life

Without any worry whatsoever

It could easily be

If I would let it be


I can tell the time by where the sun or the moon is in the sky

Right over my head, it is noon or midnight

The shadow of the trees can also tell me

Where I am

What I am thinking

Inspiration for a lifetime

The kind of surge I get only years later

Once I have lost it all


I could never come back

It would never be the same anyway

These magical moments only exist at that very second

After that it is gone forever

And you have to go for the adventure

To find new inspirations

If ever you can find such moments again


I am about to lose it all

I can feel it

Got to cherish those moments while they last

They won’t last much longer

It could never be the same

It’s great when you don’t have to wait

Until you have lost it

To understand

That peaceful existence

Of a perfect moment in time





I’m a pussy



I can’t believe you called me a pussy

When your own definition of a man being a pussy

Is a man that acts like a woman

So you are a pussy then

And that is acceptable by your definition

Because you are a woman

And all women by your definition

Are pussies



I want to be a pussy too

And it is my right

It is not reserved for bitches like you

I won’t act the man thing for you

I won’t do what I’m supposed to do

I won’t be what society tells me to be

So if I want to be a pussy like you

I will

And you better get use to it



I will be as pussy as I always wanted to be

As deep as I feel it necessary to be

It is not a woman thing

It is my thing

I’m pussy!

And I love it!

You bitch!


So maybe you will now have to take the strong role

Be manly for a change

Call me after 48 hours following our first date, why not?

You are strong

You are the woman

You’re in control now

Over the pussies that we have become

I don’t care if I have to carry that baby

Change the nappies

Stay home and enjoy life while you go to work

And suffer those bastards

I don’t mind at all



Be strong for a change

You’ve always worn the trousers anyway

You have always been dictating around here, haven’t you?

Well, you might as well be called the man of the house then

So I can be a pussy all I like



You will never have that excuse again

You will never be a pussy in my eyes ever again

You are stronger than I am

So start acting like it

Start acting like a man!

Like the man you are!

Don’t be a pussy anymore

And let me be a pussy for a while

And you’ll see

It will change the world


I’m a pussy!

And I’m proud of it!

And it will change the world!





My Great Shitting and Peeing Period


I don’t know about you

But when I go to the toilets

I first have a shitting period

Then I have a peeing period

And then it is all over and I feel good again


I feel much better now

That I have shat that here


I bet these few lines have disturbed you a bit

I guess you probably don’t feel great naked then

Fully feeling sexual and ready to fuck all night long

Feeling great in your own skin

That needs feeding and drinking

Taking care of

Before the wrinkles of old age

Make you ugly and disgusting


You easily forget these wonderful

Shitting and peeing periods

And then it is over

And you can feel great again

You easily forget you even shit and pee sometimes


You are so perfect, aren’t ya?

Pure and innocent!

Must be disturbing when we think of you as on the toilets

Having a great shit

It comes out of you, you know

It is you

It is one of the processes that make you a human being

And that is all we are

Shitting and peeing people on the toilets

Feeling bad all the time

Until we satisfy these most basic processes

That define who we are as a species


Well, I am not hypocrite

I go to the bog

I shit and I pee and I feel better afterwards

I am a naked person

I feel great in my skin

I feel sexual all night long

I do not deny who I am

I have no taboo like you

And hence

I have no deep psychological problem either

Stopping every great project in its track

I am getting somewhere

You are not

Because you cannot accept the fact

That you shit and pee and are sexual beings

Like every other person on the planet

And that is what defines






I’m a Pedophile


Scandalizing you?




I don’t know what to invent anymore

To scandalize you

You are made of steel

Nothing has reached you so far

How many of these texts have I written in the last ten years?

I’ve lost count

And yet, you are still here reading this

Or are you?


Maybe why you are not scandalized yet

Is that you never read me before now

That would explain everything

And I’m still there trying

To be more extreme

Since the first time it obviously did not work

Without understanding

That it will one day

Beyond any hope

Just need a big publicity machine


I will be branded

As the most scandalizing author ever

Without even having mentioned once the word



You’ve got to give me credit for that

Sometimes I think it might be the only thing

That could really scandalize you

I won’t say it

Don’t worry

No need to go to prison just yet


Pedophile, pedophile, pedophile…


I’m just flirting with you

I am having you going there

For a while

I’m laughing at you

I’m not laughing with you

That’s for sure


I thought it was easy to scandalize you

I now understand that it is impossible

My years of writing

Have been in vain

Somehow describing to you

Me having sex with a little boy

Would not scandalize you either

It will just bring me to prison

If I can admit that I desire that


After saying this

Surely I am it

I am a pedophile

Yet you would have a hard time proving it

Do you need proof?

Perhaps not

Oh well

Let’s go to prison then

To protect your children

Against monsters like me


Fuck you!

I never had any desire for your children

They can all die peacefully in their bed tonight

I don’t give a toss

Yeah, I guess I could be blamed

For wishing their early death

And somehow

That must feel nicer to your ears

Than if I wanted to have sex with them


So be it

I would settle for the eradication

Of all children

That’s a nice compromise

No more winging ever!

Oh my god!

What a paradise!


Perhaps we should also include all old people

I would not mind eradicating them as well

They serve no purpose

They smell bad and are annoying with their long gone memories

And their pension is just a drain on my taxes

They think they know everything

They don’t even know how the computer works

Let alone DVD recorders

They know shit

And we are supposed to trust them?

No way!

Kill them all!


Are you scandalized now?



It is getting harder and harder…





I can kiss my career in politics goodbye


I was so looking forward to it

I wanted to be Governor of California

And from there jump higher

And be second in command

Until they change the law

And take full power


I was so looking forward to it!

I had it all planned in my head

Take over America

And then the world!


My motivations after all

Are the same as the actual President

I want to be rich

I want to be powerful

I want to kill everyone else

And steal their natural resources and money

You cannot deny that this is what we have been doing for centuries now

So as I am just a normal person

There is nothing that should prevent me from becoming President



I was not supposed to admit to it?

I was just supposed to do it

Having all these journalists denouncing it

But yet never confirm it?

And then it would be acceptable?


Silly me

I guess I can kiss my career in politics goodbye





Why have I not thought of that first?


So many great ideas out there

Genius lurking in every corner

More imagination than the ocean has water

It is all there for me to grab

To hear, to watch, to eat

Oh oh


Indigestion… heart burns…

Need a Zantac again


Why have I not thought of that?

I’m supposed to be the genius here

To have written every single book

On every single subject

And yet!

That escaped me!

I did not think of it first

It is a killer


So many great ideas out there

So much imagination

Cool, perfect, genius

Why, oh why, oh why?

Have I not thought of it first?

Is it that killing job I have?

No time to think anymore?

No more inspiration?

Quick quick…

I need to come up with something

Some genius thought

I need to think of that one first

I need to think of the next great idea

There are still plenty out there

Not everything has already been thought of

I can still claim being a genius

I hope I am not too late

I hope I will find the investors to get it out there

The marketing and PR machine to prove

That I thought of it first

And then collect my pay check


But what about everything else out there?

That I have not thought of?

I guess you were mistaken

That’s no great idea

That’s not imagination

That’s no genius

It’s nothing



I thought of it first

Otherwise, it just does not exist

It puts me to sleep



Oh god, oh god, oh god…

It is not true

Where was I when they thought of that?

Dead or dying, surely

So many great ideas out there

Why have I not thought of it?


A sea of great ideas remain to be uncovered

I’ll get right on it

You can be sure

That from now on

I’ll be the one to think of that first





Whatever it is you couldn’t stand about me


Is it the packaging?

I know, pretty cheap, got no money

But you are rich I hear?

The sell by date?

I’ve long passed my sell by date

But never mind

You are rotten to the core

My frontal bar code?

Well, I’m sure it would not work with your mind reader

Is it my third eye?

My big mouth?

My bad teeth?

Do I have bad breath?

Oh, must be my brain

I was born deformed, I know

Compared to your perfection, that is

Is it my personality?

When I did not laugh at your boring jokes?

They put me to sleep, dear


Is it because I’m always drunk?

Well, feel yourself lucky

To do what you ask of me

I would need to be drugged to full capacity at all time

What is it?

Tell me! Tell me!

My lack of enthusiasm when you wanted to enslave me?

Cos’ I have an excuse for that one

I was sick that day

You make me sick, dear

Just for being you


Maybe this is what you could not stand about me

That I could not stand you in the first place





My Imaginary Girlfriend


She is legendary

She is powerful


My imaginary girlfriend


She wants sex all the time

She begs for more

She wants to be fucked up the arse

My imaginary girlfriend


She’s filthy rich

More successful than Madonna

And pure of heart

My imaginary girlfriend


I can depend on her

I love her and she truly loves me

She even knows how to shut up

My imaginary girlfriend


She does not smoke

She does not drink

She’s certainly not a drug addict

My imaginary girlfriend


She’s not a bitch

She’s not killing me

She does not need to be shot in the head

My imaginary girlfriend


Just as well

Being so unremarkable

That my imaginary girlfriend

Is just imaginary





My Real Boyfriend


He remains unknown

He is weak


My real boyfriend


He never wants sex

I have to beg for more

He does not want to be fucked up the arse

My real boyfriend


He’s disgustingly poor

As successful as an escargot

As dirty at heart as a worm

My real boyfriend


I cannot depend on him

I love him and he truly loves me

But he does not know how to shut up

My real boyfriend


He does smoke

He does drink

He is a drug addict

My real boyfriend


He’s a bitch

He’s killing me

He does need to be shot in the head

My real boyfriend


Just my luck

Being so remarkable

My real boyfriend

Is not imaginary





You can rape me all you want


You can rape me

Violate me all you want

Shoot me in the head afterwards

I’m so beyond caring


Make me your slave

Ask me to suck your dick

Suck your brain

I’m so beyond caring


Tell me all your bullshit, I can take it

Only need to drink myself to death afterwards

To forget that…

I’m so beyond caring


Walk all over me!

Destroy me!

Kill me!

I’m so beyond caring!


What is worse that you could ask from me?

You will think of something

I’m sure

I’m so beyond caring


One day I’ll put a stop to this

One day I’ll be the one dictating

One day I will kill you where you stand

One day…


I won’t be beyond caring





My new big venture will destroy everything


Another big crazy idea

Just have to pursue it

Until it drains all my energy

And destroy just about

Everything else that is still standing in my life


My new big venture!

It will revolutionize everything

Once again

Never mind that none of my other big ventures

Never went anywhere

This time I will hit it big

It will be huge

It will change everything

By destroying

Just about

Everything else

Still standing

In my life…


I won’t stop now!

I have another big venture idea

That will change everyone’s life

For the worst

It is in the nature

Of every new big venture


Just have to be crazy enough

To sacrifice everything

Once again

For just any

New great big venture



Just Maybe

One day

It will revolutionize everything





How and why has this reached me?


Is it possible that I am not wasting my time?

Is it just possible that I am reaching out

To at least one of you?


Years and years

Of working so hard

To accomplish that great destiny

That I thought I was building for myself

Could it be all wasted?



How and why has this reached me then?

I bought it

I played it

It made my life more bearable for a moment

Might even had a bigger impact

My escape from reality

My dream world


Someone thought of it

Got it started

Managed to get a team around it

They all made a difference

To my life

It is now a little bit more bearable


It has reached me!

It had an impact!

It was an idea someone had

Not even a good one

By my standards

And yet

It helped me escaped my life

It means something

It means everything to me


I cannot think

For one moment

That I am wasting my time

Wasting my life

I am building something

That could potentially reach

A few of you out there


And then you can ask

How and why has this reached you?

You’ve got to let me know

If it has helped you

Escape your life

Your mental disorder

Your hell of an existence

You have to suffer every day


Then I’ll know

That it is no coincidence

Everything exists for a purpose


Every life there is

Who contributes

To alleviate my pain

Deserves to exist

You worked on this

Which had a big impact on my life

It has reached me

It meant something for a while

It was the perfect moment in time

For me to receive it

I’m grateful


And I know now

That I’m not wasting my time

Creativity serves a purpose

No matter how small a part

You play in it

For it to come to life


This has not reached me by accident

This has not reached you by accident





I’m closer than ever


I’m told

I’m closer than ever

Of achieving all that I have been working for

In the last two decades


Somehow I can’t believe it

Somehow I feel it is just not true

I’ve been disappointed before

I’ve been deceived before

This time around

Is no different


How could it be?

Just because I am now living in Los Angeles?

What are you talking about?

It makes no difference

Not to me anyway

Not to anyone else anyway


I’m not closer than ever

To achieving my dreams

If anything

I am now completely disillusioned

It won’t happen


Perhaps I lack the determination

Maybe I lack the strength

I don’t know

I’m ready to let it all die


As if it had never existed

My achievements

My future ones as well

All dead


I’m just too tired

To even think about it

I have already accepted my failure

I’m ready to go back

To wherever it is that I come from

If one can tell me

I just forgot

Through all my endeavors

Where it is that I come from


It must not have been anywhere

Of any real significance

Or else, I would remember

Where it is that I come from

I guess that

When you reach Los Angeles

Nothing that came before

Still exists


I am a nobody

From nowhere

Never did anything worthwhile

And I will die as such

As quickly as possible

Would be fine by me


I’m closer than ever

Somehow just

Does not ring true






Can I be even more metaphysical than that?


Do you have any clue

About what it is that

I’m talking about here?


That’s what I thought

Don’t worry

I have no intention

To let you know

About what it is that

I am talking about here


The more in the dark you remain

The better it is for me

If I were to tell you everything

There would be no more mystery

You would quickly say

That my life is just as identical

As yours

When really

How could it be?


You are such a loser

I’m not a loser

You’re such a wimp

I’m not a wimp

You’re so hypocrite

I’m no hypocrite

You don’t deserve to live

I don’t either

But let’s not go there


Can I be even more metaphysical than that?

Oh yes I can

As metaphysical

As it is necessary

For you

To have no clue

About what it is that I am talking about here


What purpose would it serve anyway?

For you to be able to criticize

Destroy me in a few sentences

I don’t need that

Better be cryptic

Pretend that I am talking to God himself

About eternal stuff

The stuff that causes wars

You know what I mean

Or perhaps you don’t


For being too metaphysical

For your poor mind

Trying to keep up

With what I’m not trying to say here


There are green fields somewhere around here

I have noticed them before

One morning that I was desperate

For anything

To connect me

To ancient dreams I had years ago


A beach!

A long one

No deepness

Three of my cats

I dreamt about last night

Made my cry this morning

While waiting at the light

Being so disconnected with reality

My dreams

Are all that I have left

To remember my life

My past life

The one I’m crying for every day

I miss it more than I can express here

That it has to come to me in weird dreams

Green fields have been replaced

By water and castles

And my cats playing around

While I don’t pay attention

When I could take them in my arms instead


And telling them how much I love them

How much I miss them

And I know they miss me

That’s why they come to me in dreams

And yet

Even there

I take them for granted

I do not realize that it is my chance

To take them in my arms

Kiss them and tell them

How much I love them

How much I miss them

And the poor souls

Are trying to make me understand

To get my attention

It’s like I am dead

Incapable to love them as I should

I’m so selfish

I can only think of myself

Even in dreams


They are so innocent

And yet they love me

They are capable of telepathy

And all they can communicate

Is their normal cat behavior

Which is not enough to attract my attention

In my dreams

I just felt it was normal to have them there

Running all around me

But now that I am awake

I feel I missed a great opportunity

To squeeze them in my arms

To express my infinite love for them

Which transcends any distance

Across the oceans of the world

How weird that I can love cats

More than I ever loved any human beings

This is true love

The kind I never thought existed

Because it is so pure

It is so unconditional

They must be the only things on this planet

Who would love me no matter what

Because they will never rationalize anything

That kind of love

Can only be reciprocated

And it is simply killing me…


All right, I feel better now

I’ve plugged myself into

Type O Negative

Just the fix I needed

To get back to normal

It’s not working

No Kleenex is resistant enough

In Los Angeles right now

To contain my crisis


Nothing I ever wrote before

Makes me cry like I am now

When I read these lines again

Is it only powerful to me?


A castle over water

Tubes to get there

A view to kill for

Over the horizon

Over the ocean

And cats running on water

And tears to fill an ocean

Which I cannot explain


Is that metaphysical enough for you?

Probably not

Good, because I was not trying to be metaphysical





My Island


I am disconnected

I don’t live here anymore

I live somewhere else

A perfect world

An island

A perfect one

How can I describe it?

A palace


Flying machines

A Sun

A Moon



Which are not mine

Only beauty for me to see

To enjoy

To live through

Seeing trees


Other islands

The rain through the forest

An imagined history

Pure creation

Beyond any dreams

I feel it so deeply

I live there all the time

I cannot leave this place

I love this place

Such perfection

That I could never reach

In the real world

My virtual world

It has become so important

So central to my life

To my survival

How can it be?

It is virtual

It is just a dream

And yet it is so powerful

I don’t live here anymore

I guess I never did

I was always more there

Than I have ever been here

I am so confused

Did I ever exist?

Has this reality ever existed?

I’m not sure

I think I imagined it all

The real world is that island

Which I always come back to

I don’t know where I would be right now

If I never went there

I would not be where I am now

I’m sure of it

I’m so lost

I’m not sure if I really exist

I feel I can almost understand

That this is not real

My life

It cannot be

I am now on my island

In real life

It makes no sense to me

I am even rejecting it

It seems

It is only good in my dreams

Only acceptable as long as it is unreachable

It makes no sense

Tonight I’m not here

I’m out there

I’m on my island

I feel so good

I feel warm

I feel beauty passing through myself

I am that universe

It is all me

I am one with my world

With the world

And for once

It makes sense to me

I don’t exist here

I only exist there

That’s where I have always been

More there than here

It has become my reality

The only place I can really exist

Where I can feel good about being alive

At least I have that

Not sure if anyone else has that chance

I don’t care

I realized tonight

That I have always been living

In another world

And I am pleased that I finally accepted it

Reality is something of the past

Something that never really existed

For me

There is only one place to evolve in

To contemplate

To enjoy life

My island





Los Angeles does not really exist


For the first time in my life

I am convinced that my life is not real

I can feel it

It is a joke

And I’m wondering

Why it made me suffer so much

When really it was never there in the first place

You would think that after suffering so much

I decided to create myself a dream world

Freud would destroy my argument in a second

But I think he missed the point

I have reached another understanding

One that he could never reach

I understand that the world is not real

It is an invention

A creation of some sort

A testing ground perhaps

But no more than that

It is no more real than my dreams

My dreams are more real now

I stand somewhere over all of this

Los Angeles made me understand

No matter all the problems it sent my way

I just cannot believe it

I don’t buy it

It is all fake

Life is much simpler

Life is simple

And it is not what it seems

It is something else

I can see it so clearly now

Every tree, every bush

Have been placed there

For some reason

But it is a desert

It should be a desert

It should be emptiness

It is emptiness

It does not belong there

Nothing belongs anywhere

It was placed there for us

To act like if it was a real world

It is obvious to me

That it never was

And only here can I see it so clearly

It is all an illusion!

An elaborate scam!

The world does not exist!

Why do you still suffer?

There is no reason to

It was created for you to pretend

To be alive and kicking

When really

You cannot be

Nothing belongs here

You do not belong here

I don’t belong here

It is all someone else’s creation

And I refuse to be part of it

It is not mine

I have nothing to do with that obvious fake creation

This virtual world

I want to live in the real world

The world I have not been told about

Which oversees all of this so-called reality

I am now aware

I can feel it

I will reach the real world

I will





One billion deaths is not enough for me


One million deaths is not enough to get me rich

A billion would make it worthwhile

If I get a dollar for each life, that is

The true value of life on this planet

One big American dollar

It will cost the rest of the people billions of dollars in warlike stuff

That is of no consequence to me

As long as I get my billion dollars

In return for a billion deaths

That I directly or indirectly cause

In God we trust

And don’t you forget it

Next time I drop a bomb on your head





Private Equity, our New Religion


Talk about something still worth believing in

When just about everything else failed so miserably

There is still a God on this planet

The only one worth believing in

It is called Private Equity

My new best friend

My new religion

Capable of pumping billions of dollars

In any worthless idea

And still bring me back billions of dollars in return

Ohhhh, I just had an orgasm

Ahhhhh, and another one

It feels soooo good

How was I ever able to believe in any other God before

Is the greatest of mystery

There is only one God

We all knew that

And it has finally emerged

From a world we thought was doomed

After the collapse of the Stock Exchange market

Private Equity

Dear me

Smells so good

Tastes so good

Must be too good to be true

And yet

Nothing else on the planet

Causes so many multiple orgasms at once

No drug even comes close to Private Equity

Mmmmh, feels wonderful

I feel loooove

Real loooove

Money, money, money

That’s all I want

That’s all I get

Private Equity

My new best friend

Better than Las Vegas

Better than sex

My only love

Private Equity


Am I talking some sort of alien language here?

If you think so

Then you must ultimately be

Why I love Private Equity so much

You are the end user that will make me billions of dollars

No need for you to understand anything about it

Just continue to do what it is that you do best

Consume my friend

So Private Equity will still mean something to me

Something that will save America

From collapsing on itself


Funny how we always find a way out

To justify pure capitalism

To save pure capitalism


Think big!

And thank God!

For Private Equity

Our only savior

Our only God





We may still save humanity in America


Don’t lie

You have always known it

All we need is not love

All we need is money

Money is everything

It feeds your wonderful children

It saves your marriage

Which was doomed from the start anyway

It is the only thing by which you can valorize yourself

How much are you worth?

Do you deserve to be alive?

Has your life any kind of meaning?

Only through money can we assess your worthiness

To be alive

Money is the only thing that can bring you to freedom

Really help you escape your miserable existence

What we call reality

Money is the dream come true

The only dream you ever had

The only answer to all your hopes

Don’t deny it

Money is everything to you

You can never have too much

You can never feel guilty for rolling all over it

Money is the only way to happiness

Trying to convince anyone of the opposite

Can only come from people

Who have accepted their true lack of potential in getting it

Their unworthiness to being part of this society

That we have painfully built for ourselves

For centuries now

Money is everything

Money is all there is

Money is your only salvation

It changes everything

It saves everything

It is the basis of all your values

Protecting your family

That little nuclear family

So ready to explode

As soon as money runs out

Say it after me

Money is everything!

Money is all I need!

Money is my only escape!

Get it

At any cost, any sacrifice

Life demands it

Your family demands it

Your existence, your values, your worthiness

Depend on it

Do it!

Get it!

More money!

Is all you need!

Focus, concentrate, find a way

Find your true way

To the only meaningful thing there is


For everyone, forever

To feel good about yourself

To create happiness all around

This dream existence you have been told

Was your only way out

The only reason why you ever existed

It all comes down to one thing

Saving the world

Making this world a happier place

Get humanity out of its eternal misery

Only one solution

Only one goal

Your only real true independence

Useless to lie

Even to yourself

Deep down you know

No need to be ashamed of it

Our whole society has been built on that one principle

No matter what you have to do to get it

Or how you will go about it

Just keep in mind one single idea

And you will be saved

There’s nothing else in this world

Against your downfall

Learn to love it

Or else you’ll be a slave

Repeat after me

Money is everything!

Good boy, Good girl

As long as you still believe in money

We may still save humanity

In America





The extinction of humanity


What you qualify as my twisted mind

Is only a reflection of what you taught me

It is only the true and only consequence

Of what you truly tried to brainwash me about

It was leading there

I don’t understand why you feel this is not true

What did you expect?

Was it not what you wanted me to do?

To truly really do?

Is competition not the extermination of any threat to my being?

Is succeeding not preventing others from taking my place?

Is becoming rich and powerful

Not mean everyone else being a slave to my own desires?

If I am to control everything

Surely it means that no one else should have any freedom

If I am to lead the life I am expecting to lead

Then no one else can live in this world

What you qualify now as my twisted mind

Is your own twisted mind you did not realize you had

You were just too blind to see it

It is too late now

I will make all your dreams come true

And I will not get the blame

You will get just what you deserve

I assure you

What you taught me

It was leading there

To the extinction of humanity





Hail to the bugs, the true leaders of this world


By bugs

You probably thought I was referring to our politicians

But I was in fact talking about the true leaders of this world

Something much more powerful than any of us

Real bugs

We are at war

And we are losing it

It’s time we acknowledge our defeat

And consider them as our true leaders

Bugs have taken over the world

They inhabit us

We are still unable to kill them

They spread from one host to the other

We have become their home

It kills us

And then they move on to someone else

Until none of us will remain

To even support their existence

They don’t seem to mind

Not hard to understand

We have been following the same pattern

Multiplying until the Earth can no longer sustain any of us

But that was not the real worry

We will all be dead by the time the earth becomes unlivable

The bugs are winning the war

And we have not even declared that we were at war

Because we feel they are not really threatening

Until they actually reach either us directly

Or someone we personally love

Won’t be too long now

Soon we will all be infected

They’re winning the war

They mutate much faster than we could hope to mutate ourselves

And they don’t even need to practice DNA re-sequencing

They move at a much higher time rate than us

They’ve gone through millions of generations

Of permutations

Of mutations

While we were still debating what should be legal or illegal

Hail to the bugs

The next and only humanity

Perhaps they will find a way not to kill each other

And finally get out of the solar system

Something it seems we were never going to achieve anyway

What a pity

There is no greatness to speak of here

About humanity

After all

Perhaps we were not really worth it

It took so long anyway to understand anything

We only produced two geniuses

Newton and Einstein

And it took us hundreds of years

To finally understand

That they were completely wrong

Ultimately we produced no geniuses at all

It was all an illusion

The history of humanity is a sad one indeed

Plagued with stupidity

While we were praising our intelligence and greatness

Perhaps the bugs

In their own time frame

Will go further than we could ever achieve

The bugs, our only true legacy

May they be the ones finally getting out of the solar system

To continue humanity’s legacy to the stars

The only species with any real future

The only species capable of surviving any Life Extinction Event

Hail to the bugs!

The true leaders of this world!





Awareness in San Francisco


Have I gone everywhere in this world

Enjoy my own little awareness once in a while

Alone yet in another hotel room

Wondering about my own individuality

In a sea of billions

How insignificant I can be

Wondering if I can make any difference

And if it is at all important

If I do or not

Maybe there was never any meaning to it

Just a fact that needs to be accepted

We are six billions

I am one

I am aware that I exist

I have my own individuality

Should enjoy it

Go for a walk

Look at the sea in the Bay

Look at the constructions

The bridge

Another symbol of our so-called greatness

The Valley of Silicon

Of artificial intelligence

Wonder if it has any awareness

Individuality in a world of multiplication

Of the same, over and over again

That one voice

At this point

Cannot make any difference




Still have that chance to see more

Explore more than the next one

Reach San Francisco

See that bridge for myself

And wonder

In my awareness

What it all means

If anything

We’ve built a valley of silicon

Like we grew a valley of wine trees

Can artificial intelligence get drunk?

Can it wonder about its existence?

Can it have awareness?

And would my life be better

Without that awareness?

Mindless existence

I’m in San Francisco

And that’s all there is to it

Just go to the sea

Just look at it

Do not think

It is only painful

There is no answer here

To all these questions

Why torture ourselves

Why invent philosophy?

Can I just live for a change?

Forget my individuality?

My awareness?

This intelligence which serves no real purpose

To my own happiness?

Can I not just enjoy being alive?

Without having to put back everything

In its own context?

Can I not just for once

Be in San Francisco

And not be aware of it?

Of anything?

As a meaningless fact

I’m here now

Let’s just enjoy it?

Without throwing me into thinking mode

Of self doubt

That this world could actually be real


With some sort of great purpose

That we just can’t figure out?

I’m sorry

I cannot accept that it is about love and reproduction

Multiplication of more useless existence

Who will one day end up in Silicon Valley

And wonder

Why it is that they are alive

When they see that bridge

In wonder

To what symbol we were able to construct

To give a reason, a meaning

To something that has none

Awareness is perhaps not that magical

A bit of programming could simulate that

Individuality is perhaps just an illusion

We are all thinking the same

We are all the same

We are one

This feeling of individuality

This feeling of awareness

It’s programmed on that carbon chip

Which is my brain

I guess God never knew about miniaturization

Might have been the lack of competition

The lack of a desire to make tons of money

My brain is about to explode

And I am limited in my understanding

To the program

Cannot go beyond

Cannot understand beyond

I’m in San Francisco

No need to think anymore

Just exist

If I can

Reach that bridge

Be in awe in front of what we were able to build

In terms of symbols

And especially

Stop processing

Avoid the only conclusion which seems right

To terminate the processing process forever

Avoid the urge to jump off that bridge

To the great darkness

I tell you

Really worth being aware

In San Francisco





My Rough Edges


You had one good look at me

You hated me

Then you had another good look in time

I’m likable

Once you move beyond my rough edges

My God!

You have only scratched the surface

You have no idea, do you?

Of where I am

If only you could read this

If only I could let you read this

You might have a better understanding

Of how I really feel

Not about you

But about the world we live in

I am at the point where I am wondering

If existing is worth it

And you’re talking about

Am I likable or not?

Am I capable of emotions and sensitivity or not

Of understanding

No I am not

I have other worries

Other stuff to deal with

I can’t even stop and worry

About the details of what you are worried about

I am beyond all that

My rough edges

Whether I do it on purpose or not

Am I likable or not

I could not care less

When I only feel like taking a gun

And shoot you in the head

I do not want to be with you

I do not want to talk to you

I certainly do not want to spend time

Worrying about what you said

What I said

Feeling guilt

For my rough edges

Looking for a liberation

Of the consequences of my smallest action

My smallest word

Which seems to have quite an impact on you

I thought we were the same

You are obviously dying in superficiality

Believing in your own intelligence

When you cannot even think beyond your new found husband


And if you are worth it or not

If you should be on a diet or not

No you’re not worth it

You are a pain

You are capable

But you’re more trouble that it is worth

Go back to where it is that you come from

And die there

I never ask you in my life

I could very well exist without you

You’re not worth the pain

Shut up!

Leave me alone!

Get out of my life!

Or I’ll blow up your brain!


How’s that for my rough edges?





Do I have to be completely off my mind?


A few days in San Francisco alone

Is perhaps what I needed to calm down

After these last few days of hell

Those last few months of hell

In Los Angeles

I’m going back home tomorrow

My home in Los Angeles that is

Back to hell, that is

The thing is

Was not London also my hell

A few months ago?

Yes I miss Richmond Park

Osterley Park

Westminster and Victoria

My little run through all these towns

From Heathrow to Piccadilly Circus

All the pubs in England

Where you can actually smoke a cigarette

My baby, my family

Can I go back and understand it is a paradise?

Can I pull that off?

Can I be peaceful again

Even if I have actually never been peaceful, ever?

Who are these people who are peaceful?

What’s their secret?

They’re on the doll? Is that it?

They live in some green field far from everyone and everything?

Without a TV or media or computer?

With animals, birds tweeting

Angels and Jesus Christ in the middle?

And a bunch of fluffy clouds perhaps?

Do I have to be completely off my mind

To be peaceful in this world?

Is it just a state of mind?

How can I learn to be peaceful

Forget my rage against everything and everyone

I wish to be peaceful

I need help

Is there anyone on the planet who could teach me?

Without involving God, religion, spirituality and new age stuff?

Without me having to buy a statue of Buddha?

Or having a psychologist tell me I am neurotic?

Could I just walk outside and find peace once and for all?

And be done with that?

Ready to move on with my happy life?

Let me concentrate here

Let me see if I can be peaceful again

Oh wait, I am!

Oh, it’s gone

Lasted three seconds

Dear, dear, dear

Oh well, three seconds

I’m getting there…





My attempt to find happiness


What am I complaining about?

Don’t I remember that kid?

Living desperately alone when he was 18?

In a black hole in the North Pole?

I had dreams to see the world

To live everywhere

It started with Ottawa

Then Paris

Then London

Then Toronto

Then New York

Then Brussels

Then Los Angeles

I’ve seen the world

I lived everywhere of any consequence

I’ve achieved those dreams

Why was it not enough?

What more could I want?

I did not find happiness

I did not even find peace

I found no answer to all my questions

I guess I was not going to find them in Los Angeles

Under a palm tree

Or under a rock in the desert

I should have jumped into hard drugs with my two hands

Perhaps I would then have found some answers

Some happiness

I only found alcohol

I think it did not help much

I might as well have remained in the North Pole

Perhaps I would have found happiness there after all

Under a rock under the snow

After digging for a few miles

Nothing exists from before I reached London

And now that I am no longer in London

It seems that my life has ended

I am lost somewhere outside the fabric of space

Need to find a way back to my life

Need to find a wormhole leading back to London

Surely there is one between Los Angeles and London?

Or else

Bring me a Big Bang

If everything explodes

I might be able to rebuild or create something bearable

With all the pieces of my reality

Lost everywhere in the world

The universe is obviously too small for me

Happiness must lie outside of it


Now I have dreams of getting out of the universe

I’ll find a way

To tell you if I have found happiness

Once I get there

Cos believe you me

I will get there!

And I better find happiness





Child Suicide


If I had brought into this world

A child as depressed as I am

I would be depressed now

Why would I want to bring into this world

A child?

What is there for him or for her to be happy about?

Thirty years of studying a very specific and boring subject?

Being bullied by other students and teachers alike?

A high paying job in the corporate world?

Being bullied by colleagues and bosses alike?

If that child did not commit suicide after that

I’d be lucky

What hope could I give him or her?

In a better world where happiness exists?

When I know damn well that it is not possible?

That everyone they will ever meet

Will just cause them problem after problem

And sap any kind of energy they might have?

Backstabbing is all there is down here

What has this world got to offer to anyone?

Let alone a new child born with hopes and dreams?

Nothing, you can only drive them all to suicide

It is a very sad story

Just as well

That I am the end of the family line





Jesus Christ was a Homosexual



Jesus Christ was married?


Jesus Christ had a child?

You must be mistaken

It is clear to me

That Jesus Christ was gay

Just like God his father

Only gay entities can create anything worthwhile





I must be drunk to provoke you like that


I learned tonight that I was not living

I was pretending to be living

I’m so stupid

I thought writing it

And living it

Was the same

Well, it’s ought to be

Because I’m not going to start living

Any time soon

I’m already dead, you see

I’ve been for years

That’s why when that fat bitch

Gets sacked tomorrow

I’ll be smiling

Loving every minute of it

For one long second there

I will feel alive

I hope she has a gun

And starts shooting my bosses

That would be even lovelier

I’ll be alive for a whole minute then!

Oh, but it could be even better

She could decide after that to commit suicide

There’s that large window in her office

She can always tell the weather

I find out at the end of the day that it is raining like hell

And that I will have to cycle home in that hell

She may decide to throw herself out the window

Being as fat as she is

Surely we will hear the clunk on the pavement?

And then a metro bus can run over her in a big splash

With the office half dead three floors up

After that, back to work

As if nothing happened

Got a project to finish!





I came to Los Angeles to become a positive force


I was supposed to leave my misery in London

I was supposed to become a positive force of nature

In Los Angeles, the promised land

I was going to rewrite the Georgics

The way it should really have been written

There is more to positivism than birds and flowers

I’m afraid

But don’t worry

Virgil can sleep well tonight

Wherever he is buried in this world

Cos in this world

I can only rewrite

The Descent to Hell

The way I should have written it 15 years ago

With added bonuses here and there

Addons and special effects

A computerized interactive version

Just for you!

As a consequence of your bad behavior

Because you have been bad, yes you have

Don’t deny it

Bad enough that I have been suicidal all my life

And can only write what comes out of the purgatory


I will never be a positive force of nature

I will never uplift anyone

Convince them that life is a wonderful thing

And worth living

On the contrary

I’ll show you how ugly this world really is

How unhappiness is all there is

What a mess you’ve made of this place


I tried

It is just not possible

I tried to fall in love with an orange tree

I failed

I was way too worried about all your crap

To fall in love with a palm tree

I tried to rewrite The Contemplations

The way it should have been written

Years ago

No worry

Victor Hugo can sleep well tonight

Wherever it is that he has been buried

It is just not possible

In that kind of world


In my wake

I have no choice

I’ll bring you all to my tomb with me

Wherever that tomb will be





I Feel Elated!



Finally I drank enough

Finally I drank enough wine

To feel elated!

What would it be on heroin?

I wonder

Gosh I need it

I need it to escape

I need it to escape this dirty reality

I think this is the first sentence I ever said:

I need to escape this reality!

That is certainly the first sentence I wrote

When I was 10 years old

Isn’t that amazing?

I had not discover LSD then

Neither today I’m afraid

What a shame

Because tonight I’m ready

I feel elated!

No more misery

No more hell on earth

No more bastards to worry about

No more you breathing down my neck

Every single second of my mere existence

I went to buy wine

They had to scan my Californian driving license

I proudly shouted:

I don’t need the President to know

That I’m buying alcohol tonight!

What sort of Big Brother State is this?

Next time I’ll give you my UK driving licence

Or my Canadian one if you wish

Surely you can’t scan that yet?

I was spotted by nearly 1000 cameras

I was followed everywhere I went

I was observed when I was picking up my nose

They must have heard me when I farted

Maybe they can even tell if I left a trail in my underwear?

Nothing would surprise me these days

I just love to be disgusting

If I can make a point

I feel elated tonight!

Filled with an inexhaustible source of energy


That’s what fills my veins tonight

 It is the blood I crave

Cos I’m not going to sleep tonight

I’ll be a zombie for the rest of my life

That’s how I decided I can continue

To live this life

By not being aware of it

Better drink myself to death every night

Smoke myself to death

Until everything burst inside

It is the only compromise I can reach

Between life and I

I feel elated!

But as you can see

It never lasts

Need my next fix


That’s the only way I can continue

To live this life





My Darkest Thoughts


And you thought you had read it all

That you knew what my darkest thoughts were

I can assure you

You don’t

If I could for one moment

Communicate to you

My darkest thoughts

You would not survive

It would be a total annihilation of the universe

Only a few electrons would remain after

The only indivisible particle

And then again

I would invent a way to make them all disappear

Nothing would ever know

That something existed down here

That’s how dark my thoughts are

I’m sometimes frightened

By how extreme I’ve become

How radical I am

There are no two measures anymore

There’s only one extreme

I cannot forget

I cannot forgive

I cannot take pity on anyone

No one has come to save me

No one will come to save you

My darkest thoughts…





Beyond that Californian Mountain


Get ready, we’re leaving!

I don’t know where

Don’t ask

We’re just leaving

There are some new horizons to explore

I’ve been told there was something there

To make it all worthwhile

Of course I don’t believe it

I don’t care

I need to get out of here!

I need to believe there is something

Beyond these Californian mountains

I see them every day on my way to work

And yet I am stuck in the San Fernando Valley

Every day on my way to work

I cannot reach those mountains

I’m not even sure if they’re real

Who cares?

Get ready!

We’re leaving

I don’t know

Who cares?

I need to get out of here

I cannot be stuck like this


I cannot just stop living


I need to feel alive!

I need to get going

I need to listen

To my sense of adventure

My need of exploration

What’s behind that mountain?

I don’t know

I don’t care

I need to go there

I need to find out

Don’t you understand?

I need to get out of here!

Get ready!





I want to be a Damn Modern Californian Hippy!


Modern Californian hippies

Have traded their drug pipe

With the Stock Exchange market papers

They are green at heart

But they’re fearful capitalists by day

To make good money

To make good bonuses

And then after work

They pick up their guitar

They pick up their surf board

And they go to the beach


That’s what I want to be!

A Californian modern hippy

I want to go on the road

Start a business

From a mobile phone

Get rich by day

Be a hippy the rest of the night

I want shit loads of money

So I can finance my Californian hippy life


I’ll never be a hippy

But there’s no harm in pretending

Is there?

Millions down here are pretending

They’re no more hippies than I am

So I guess

There’s no harm in pretending

Is there?


Even if it kills me

Even if I have to become a millionaire to achieve it

Just like everyone else down here

I’ll be a damn Modern Californian Hippy!





Who else can I destroy?


I’m in a destructive mode

Get out of my way

Or I may just stop for a few minutes

To judge you

To criticize you

To destroy you


Who else can I destroy?

There is so much to pick from

It is getting ridiculous

Everyone’s life

Everyone’s little crisis

Brings the worse in everyone

Giving me the chance to have one good look

And feel deep pity

And then


There’s no excuse

I have to destroy you

Your pettiness

Your miserable little existence

All fenced up

Your little meaningless flag that you are so proud of

This little bit of territory that you are defending

To your last dying breath

Will be your buried ground

Faster than you can imagine


Watch out!

I’ll destroy you





Study your symbolism, for god’s sake!


When I say that I want to shoot you in the head

What I really mean

Is that I don’t like what you are doing


When I say that we need to blow up this planet

What I really mean

Is that really we should try a little bit harder to be nice to people


When I say that this country is going to hell and everyone should die

What I really mean

Is that frankly, I need a little bit more money to finish the month


When I am saying that you should go back into the anus of your mom

What I really mean

Is that you could smile at me once in a while


When I say die bitch!

What I really mean

Is, oh for God’s sake, I do mean it, die bitch!

No seriously, I mean, go see a psychologist dear, it might help us all


When I say I had enough and I will commit suicide

What I really mean

Is let’s have sex pumpkin, it has been a week, you know?


When I say that no one deserves to live

What I really mean

Is that, well, I’m not sure what that one really means

Perhaps I really mean it after all







There is something in genius stuff

That does not quite add up

When in arts

They reach perfection

It does not seem natural

It does not seem possible

How all this come together?

Where does it start?

How can they understand

So many layers of meaning

So many perfect chords

So perfect an imagination

That can create something out of this world?

Is it completely on a subconscious level?


Does not happen often

Lucky when you come across it


Is the biggest mystery of all





You tried to get me sacked, this is War


You tried to get me sacked again

You did not think about the consequences

Is that your best shot?

Because look

I’m still here

You perhaps thought

That there would be no tomorrow

That I would not be back to suffer you everyday

That I was no longer your worry

You were wrong

I am back with a vengeance

There is no forgiveness possible

In that kind of mind game you decided to play

I cannot forget what you just did

I cannot try to like you now, can I?

I can only hate you

And do everything I can

To destroy you

Before you destroy me

You wanna play that game?

You will find out that it is very destructive indeed

Like in any war

There will be no winner

We will all be dead at the end of it

But what choice have you given me?

You tried to get me sacked

It was unjustified

The bosses saw through your game

Or you were not convincing enough

You could not find the smoking gun

Because there was none

Don’t worry, I’ll find one

I’ll succeed in destroying you

Because I am not like you

I do not play these mind games

Under any slight trifle

I make my move afterwards

In self defense

When I have the perfect opportunity

No trifles

Just plain hard undeniable facts

About your incompetence

And your mind games

To bury your inadequacy


This is a declaration of war

I declare that I am now going to have one goal only

Your utter destruction

I have not started the war

I never do

But I sure

Will finish it

Until none of us survive


You should have thought about the consequences

The end always justifies the means

It’s personal now

I don’t care to die

Do you?





The World is filled with Backstabbers


It is ridiculous

We’re all walking around the office

With our little dagger in our right hand

We use it all time

To prove how incompetent everyone else is

To prove how great we are

But I am asking you

How great are we really?

If to prove it we need a dagger in our right hand?

If we need to kill everyone else to reach the top

When there is not even a top to speak of?


The world is filled with backstabbers

Never forget it

Never let your guard down

If you do not kill them first

They certainly will


Your first ever vibe about anyone

Tells it all

You are warned the very first second

And yet you think you might escape it


Escape your destiny?

In a world full of backstabbers?

You must be dreaming

Be one of those optimistic persons

They always die first

It’s a law of nature

They are so easy to manipulate

In a world of manipulators


If you are not already calculating

Your next move

You are doomed

In a world filled with backstabbers

You can only yourself become one


In this corporate world

This is all there is left to do

Backstab happily my friend!

Before they backstab you to death





Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

I’ve been told to stop talking about my sexuality


I have been told today

That it was not acceptable

To talk about my sexuality

It is something that is taboo

Don’t ask, don’t tell

Or else I’ll be sacked

I’m supposed to act as if it did not exist

Because it makes everyone around me feel uncomfortable

Like if they had no sexuality themselves

And I am starting to believe it

No wonder this world is not going anywhere

Because I assure you

We were all born with a sexuality

Maybe you think that you are better than me?

That I am a deviant

Some sort of anomaly

Does it disturb you

When I say that you need to be fucked up the arse?

That you have been a gay in the closet

For too many years now

And that you would feel better

The day you admit it?

Does it disturb you that I have great sex?

When you obviously don’t?

Are you jealous or what?

I would be

If I were still a virgin at 30

In fact, I would go stir crazy

Just like you

You see, the problem is not me

The problem is you

Accept yourself

Accept your sexuality

And perhaps then

And only then

Will you be able

To accept

That I have a sexuality





Drinking yourself to death in L.A.


After a hard day’s work

In Los Angeles

There is only one thing to do

Drinking yourself to death


Until you forget everything

Until you forget you even exist

Until you forget that you have to do it all over again

The next day


I have been such a zombie in L.A.!

My blood has been sucked till I was dried

My life has been sucked until I had no existence

Condemning me all day to a life of the undead


And they call it eternal life

Poor souls

Who are already dead

And don’t realize it


Condemned to do the same routine every day

Until there is only one thing left to do

Drink yourself to death

To forget to live


This is what I learned in California

Drinking myself to death

Every night

To forget it all





They’ve been testing me, like a rat!


They dropped me in that little labyrinth

There was nowhere to go

So I bang my head in every wall

I’ve become famous for it

Then they subjected me to the worse treatments

Just to find out how resistant I was

How much I could endure before cracking

I never did

They were impressed

Now they have added a new level

For me to run everywhere into

Somehow along the way

I’ve become aware

That I was just a rat

That I was just being tested

So I decided to stop playing the game

I did not care to bang myself in the walls anymore

I did not care for the second level

Their new testing ground

Soon I will be declared a great disappointment

A rat without any cleverness

Looking at the sky

Hoping for some salvation

Not playing the game anymore

Not eating or drinking anymore

Letting myself die in my corner

 I will be judged a failure

When in fact

I saw through it all

And it depressed me so much

That I’d rather let myself die

Than play their game

From my point of view

This is my only success





You’re not so cool after all


I used to think you were so cool

Being in Los Angeles

Enjoying success and all

And I was nothing

How could I be as cool as you?

Living a miserable existence

Rejected by everyone


You were everything I wanted to be

I wanted to be just like you

As cool as you

I was envious


Was I supposed to be born cool?

As it looked so natural on you


But then I started to study you a bit better

I got to know you better

I started to see the cracks

Beyond that cool exterior

There is such a small human being inside

Ten times more worried and frightened than I am

Paranoid, lost, in search for love and acceptation

Not cool at all!


Were you not supposed to be a god?

Stronger than I could ever be?

Not worried about anything

As if everything came to you naturally

Not caring about anything

Especially not small people like me?


What a discovery

I am stronger than you will ever be

Your cool exterior was hiding

Your nothingness

Your tons of psychological problems

You are so small!

You are nothing!


I don’t care anymore for cool people

If anything

I am cooler than any of the cool people

Because I am real, not fake

I don’t care for what people think of me

I’m just trying to survive, all right?

I am myself

And that makes me cooler

Than you


You’re not so cool after all

So just get lost!





A Cool Summer Day in London


So many cool summer days in London

Nothing can beat that

Not even Los Angeles

No cool summer days here

You would need a winter first for that

Nothing to wait for here

Nothing to hope for here



My cool summer days in London

Driving around Victoria


Richmond Park

Osterley Park, my park

As if I was Royal material

With my castle in the middle

My pond and my birds

Enjoying the sun

Feeling something like life

A powerful energy coming from nowhere

The power of Europe

All over me

For eternity

London, Paris, Barcelona, Prague, Budapest, Rome!

Le Canal du Midi en France

Das Märchen Schloss in Bayern

All mine!

For all eternity!

Feeling great, filled with energy

Living for a change!

Taking it all in!

That, I miss deeply


I’m concerned

There are no cool summer days in California

I know now

That soon

I’ll be back in Europe

Where love is what awaits me

Great love

I can feel it after all

And all I needed to do

To understand that concept of love

Was to move to Los Angeles

Where love and passion and creativity


Do not exist





Oh my God! How will I survive this?


Worse than being crucified on a cross

Dear me, I would welcome that any day

Worse than having some weird object inserted into my ass

No problems, insert the Eiffel Tower in there if you wish

Worse than being disinherited

I never wanted your easy money made in a simpler world anyway

Worse than being walked all over by a bunch of bulls

Bulls? Why not Elephants? Then I might actually feel something!

Worse than having the Bible quoted to me for an hour

I’m quite prepared to listen to any old crap, please, tell me more

Worse than dying in a car wreck accident

Oh, you just don’t know, how I would love to die

Worse than terrorists annihilating the whole town

Finally some entertainment to make me forget my killing routine!

Worse than having a 50 kilometers asteroid hitting the Earth

Who knows, I might survive all alone, living a new happy life!


Oh my God!

Anything, anything but that!

How will I survive it?

Tomorrow I’ve got to go back to work!





Reaching an L.A. Crisis


Los Angeles

Crisis Mode

Panic Attack

Here we are

The End of Days

Just like in the movies

It was all true after all

I can’t think anymore!

I can’t breathe anymore!

I’ve reached another

L.A. Crisis



Crisis Mode

Panic Attack

Right here on Hollywood Boulevard

Dying on the street in Burbank

How was that a surprise?

They were all born here

They all died here

The legends

Drunk to full capacity

Drugged to full capacity

This is where

Hollywood drove them all

Over the cliff



Crisis Mode

Panic Attack

The End of Days

For me to discover now

To understand

To assimilate

To digest

The enormity of it

The enormity of it all

I will accept my destiny

I will go through it all

I will live through hell


I will survive

My L.A. Crisis





I finally went to Disney Land, Heek!


When I passed the door

They must have given me

Some weird pill

Or a magic mushroom

I was not myself

I was seeing double, triple, quadruple


I saw some distorted castles

Some bugs jumping around for no apparent reason

Happy people in a happy world!

Nightmarish images of happiness

And so many smelly fat tourists dancing

Too many frightened children crying

That I was able to stand


When I saw Mickey Mouse

I was horrified

I don’t know what hit me

It was quite powerful

I instantly puked everywhere

And such a splitting headache afterwards


And then came seven dwarfs

It was enough to tip me over the edge

Of insanity

Such a fragile frontier with normality

I took a gun from one of the guards

I started shooting blindly

To any Disney character I could see

It took them less than 30 seconds to shut me down

And eject me from this mad world

Which has nothing to do with anything I ever experienced


I finally went to Disney Land

It was a horrific experience

Never attempt that

Without first

Drinking a whole bottle of whisky

Otherwise you might not survive it

The change of reality

Is way too brutal


But if you are already crazy

Come to Disney Land!

It might be just what you need

It is the electric shock treatment for sure

To get cured from your insanity

It will bring you right back to reality in an instant





Got to get back to some sense of normality


Nowhere in the world are there as many

Tourist traps and attraction parks

Than in Los Angeles

I feel my life has been running on a roller coaster

Since I landed here a few months ago

There is no end to it

Everyday it is another wild ride

All over the mountains

Can’t even remember if I slept

Of course it does not help

That I am permanently drunk

How could I survive otherwise here?

Just buy your ticket

Just get on the ride

We’ll bring you to wonderful places

We’ll convince you that this is paradise

Oh what a wonderful world!

This is Hollywood!

Behind each palm tree

Hides the next celebrity

Waiting in line to become rich


More popular than Jesus Christ himself

You can read it all in the magazines

Another scandal is the only way

To get to the top

Just like the presidency really


The ride will eventually come to a brutal end

You will have to decide eventually

That you’re just an utter failure

That it was just an impossible dream

What an illusion


You will have to come to your senses

And get back to some sense of normality

And go back to wherever it is

That you come from

Los Angeles was not the last stop after all

Who cares anyway?

There is still a great life to be lived out there

And it does not have to end up in a Hollywood film





It always comes back to that, isn’t it?


It always comes back to that, isn’t it?

What is it this time?

What is this big secret which will again

Devastate me?

Irretrievably change my life

To keep me exactly where I am now

Where we’ve always been?

Oh please!

Can we live this life without anymore downfalls?

Is it not possible to live a life

Of total inaction?

All you need is one day

To destroy it all

When all we have ever been able to reach

Is the bottom of the ocean

Deeper and deeper

No matter how hard you try

To reach some sort of happiness

Just for a while

It can never last

You get right back to square one

Another disaster

Another crisis

Some suffering

A lot of crying

Once again completely lost

Alone in the world

With great unexplored vastness in front of our eyes

Wishing we could fly and reach it all

Discover a new horizon

Less horrible than the precedent

As a law of nature

We can only find


It always comes back to that, isn’t it?





Where the fuck am I?


I don’t know where I am anymore

I’ve been everywhere

Time is no longer linear in my case

I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time

I don’t know what it is that I am supposed to do

I just know that I don’t want to do it


Where the fuck am I?

I don’t know where I am

I just know that I don’t want to be anywhere

Anywhere has never made me happy

Whatever I ever did

Never made me happy


How could I care where I am

What I am doing?

And especially

What I should be doing next

And where?


Where the fuck am I?

What is it that I’m supposed to do here?

Should it not be where I actually want to be?

Doing what I actually want to do?

It is not the case

So I could not care less

That is why I have the strangest ideas

The weirdest desires

Of changing everything

Nothing ever could make me happy

Nowhere in this world could I ever be happy

You could not make me happy

I don’t need you

I don’t need everything that you want me to do

I don’t need that shite

Just get out and disappear!

So I can get lost too

And never



To give it

A second thought


Where the fuck am I?

Lost, that’s for sure

What am I doing?

Nothing, that’s for sure

Where should I be?


What should I be doing?





I might







I thought you were dead


I thought I succeeded

In killing all of you

In my own thoughts

My own dreams

And then

To my astonishment

You all came back from the dead


What is it now?

What do you want from me?

Don’t you understand

That you’re supposed to be dead?

Not existing

Being nothing?


I succeeded

In forgetting you

Accepting your death

Why do you come back now?

What are all those questions?

I don’t need to answer any of them

I’m in deep shit, as usual

I know you could help me tremendously

I know you don’t want to

I know you won’t

I know I would not accept it anyway


So why come back from the dead?

Especially now?

When I am so down at the bottom?

Do you enjoy seeing me down there?

Does it make you feel better

How low I am

And how normal you are?


Well, I never cared for normality

I prefer to be sinking really

Yes I do!

Don’t question me

I don’t know why

I don’t want to know

I am marginal

I am not like you

I don’t want to be like you


Let me sink!

I don’t care for zombies

Contacting me once in a while

To find out if I am finally getting somewhere

I am not

And I won’t be

For many more decades

Are you happy now?

Are you ready to go back

To the world of the dead?





Feeling orgasmic about… another project


Faster! Faster!

Oh yes!


Yes, continue

It’s perfect

Just like that

It makes me feel

How can I say




Ah yes, yes, yes!



I love it

I love you

Go for it

Don’t stop

No please!

I can’t stand it anymore

Ah yes

That’s better

Faster! Faster!


I’m sorry Sir

I’m typing that project as fast as I can

And by the way, to be honest

I don’t feel as orgasmic as you about it





500,000 people in New Orleans

need mental health services


Katrina and the wave

Destroyed a good American city

No longer will we have to hear

About New Orleans



If 500,000 people are in an emotional turmoil

I say stop right there

It is not them who need help

It is the rest of America

Everyone working in the corporate world


Let’s start with me for example

I had a hell of a week

I did not sleep at all

I worked on that project night and day

I was bullied by my bosses until my guts came out

I’m in desperate needs for mental health services

For my services to one American corporation

It is like a disease, you catch it after a while

So please!

Send my way an army of psychologists

Bagged with all the pills there are in America

We need it much more in L.A. than in New Orleans

That much is obvious!



These people in New Orleans finally got their prayers answered

God flooded the damn place to clean it

They were suddenly free from their day to day hell

Their useless job not helping anyone anyway

They had to deal with something much more exciting

We don’t get any of that action in Los Angeles

Except perhaps what they film in these sound stages


Forget New Orleans

They are free at last

We still need help down here in L.A.!

God! A big earthquake would do nicely…





The Decline of the Gay American Empire


I landed in this office in America

There was only one other obvious gay guy

He has the single biggest ass I have ever seen in my life

But I did not care, I went to him

Paid him lunch

He brought me in the single most expensive place in town

And I quickly realized that

He was not going to be my ally

If anything

He would work against me

Ok, I thought

This is America

Everyone’s gay but in the closet

You can’t expect solidarity from everyone

When everyone’s gay

Can you?


Then I decided to observe him from afar

He is a damn good salesman

A true liar

He could sell you a castle in New Orleans

And who would need that now

That the place has been flooded beyond recognition?


And then I went to the toilet


Minding my own business

Splashing a little bit of water over my gay face

He rushed in

Ran to the nearest toilet

Did not use the toilet seat protective paper at all

Did not even put toilet paper all around the bowl!

He just within seconds

Shat so noisily

I have never been so embarrassed in my life!

I did not know what to do, what to think

And then

To my astonishment

While I was trying to get out quickly

He came out of the toilet cubicle as fast as he went in

It left me in awe

Did he use any toilet paper at all?

It did not seem so to me

And then he had a big smile

His great salesman voice came back

I think he was trying to sell me a castle in New Orleans!

And then he left quickly

Leaving me behind in utter bewilderment


I was in shock!

What happened to gay America?

This is such a disgrace, my God!

It can only mean one thing

We are witnessing something terrible

The Decline of the Gay American Empire





I’m in Awe!


Well done!

It is almost unbelievable

You cannot control your temper

We’ve got more complaints against you

From all our customers

Than anyone ever got altogether in the last 20 years

You gossip like hell

Against the bosses

All the time complaining

To a point where I need to get out

To get some fresh air

You got half the company sacked

On trifles and technicalities

You tried with me

You immediately saw me as a threat

With good reason

You thought I was an easy target

You were met with a brick wall

You’re not even competent

You’re not even intelligent

I was able to counter your attack easily

And yet

You’re so good to my diet

Every time I speak to you

You fill me with such anger

I don’t eat anything all day

And then

You’ve accomplished a miracle

Not only did you not lose your job

And even though

I have five times more experience than you

You became my boss!


This is America for you

Do you sleep with the boss?

Cos from my point of view

There could be no other explanation


You’ve got me at a disadvantage now

You certainly will win the war

And get me sacked after all


I can’t sleep with the boss

So you’ve won

You’ve won the war!

It looks like I underestimated you

You’re a mastermind

I’m proud of you!

Well done!

I’ll leave the country within a month





I fell in love in Cannes



It is so nice

To be able to escape reality

By remembering one’s past

I was in Cannes twice

I was deeply in love there, twice

With the same person

I almost got what I was so desperate for

I didn’t get it

Oh well

Would not have been the same if I did

It is this strong desire

That built the strongest memory

I was happy twice

In Cannes

I was just alive in the streets of Cannes

Every night

Two years in a row

Twice in love

I almost got it

I almost touched it

It was wonderful

I learn poetry there

I also learned

That people steal

At such a perfect moment in time

And yet, it is the same everywhere

Such a great time

Such great memories

Cannes means everything to me

I was happy there

I went everywhere

I know every single place there is

I had sex there

But that was meaningless

What was meaningful

Was what I wanted that I did not get

Alone in the street

At 5 in the morning

With the only love possible

Which was just an impossible love

I think I wrote a whole book about it

God only knows where it is now

All I know

Is that

I had a greater time

In Cannes

That I ever did

In Los Angeles





Tomorrow will be such a great day all over L.A.!


I’ve got to be on lots of amphetamines

To even entertain the idea

That tomorrow

In Los Angeles

Will be a great day

All this town has been able

To bring me

Is a death wish

And yet

I am here tonight

Suddenly believing in miracles

That days are not passing by

Just to bring the worst in humanity

Every single day has been

Worse and worse

Even when you could not think

It could get any worse

Life always finds a way

To make it worse the next day

It is excruciating

Wondering what I’m doing here

That’s it

I can feel life leaving me forever

 I might just die here

Unless I do something

Unless I get out of here before it happens

Is it not too late?

Just when you think

That you are due for a great day

Any kind of good news

That suddenly will change your life


You discover

That this town has played a trick on you

It is exasperating

You want to die

It is always worse the next day!


At some point

I’ll wake up in L.A.

And feel great?

At least once?

Oh God…

It just won’t happen

What a disaster





Sweet Chinese Girl


I know you’re a girl

And I’m a boy

And that by some sort

Of law of nature

We’re incompatible

I feel deeply for you

We’re in the same boat

A sinking boat

You’re left there alone

Looking at all this

Experiencing it for the first time

Totally desperate

Not knowing what to do

What’s coming next

I feel so bad for you

I feel so sorry for you

I’ve been through it dozens of times

It is second nature to me

That hell you’re just discovering

I would love to squeeze you in my arms tonight

Make you discover what it is

That you are actually missing

Everywhere I have been

Everything I have seen

Connected for eternity

To something larger than you have ever experienced

Forget what it is that they are doing to you

Come with me

We’ll go and explore this world

We’ll forget for a while

We’ll be happy for a while

You’re so sweet

For you I’ll make an exception

I will stop

I will take you under my wings

Until you can fly away

Far away from here

Understand that there is something else

Beyond the horizon

I’ve seen it

And yet

It is more of the same

Only together could we ever built ourselves

A fortress in which

None of them will ever have access

Come with me

I’ll make you discover

This world

Before they turn you into a bitch

Sweet Chinese Girl





I can get away with murder, remember that


You tried again to get rid of me

You pushed me once again to the limits

I exploded!

I barked at you in front of everyone

When I did stand up ready to leave

You said: sit down, we’re not finished

I told you to fuck off and I left

You were pleased

You thought you finally had all the ammunitions

To get me sacked once and for all

You have underestimated me

I am more important here than you are

I have proven myself in your back

You have no knowledge of this

I wonder why the bosses did not share with you

That I was not as idle and incompetent as you thought

Again, it seems, you have destroyed yourself

Trying to destroy me

When will you learn?

I can get away with murder

Useless to try to damage me in any way

I will always resurface

I will always be there the next day

To annoy you in your failure

In trying to get rid of me


You have tried many times

It has failed every time

You have damaged yourself more and more in the process

I have not even had my try yet

When I will make my move

I will be certain

That you will be sacked

At the moment

There does not seem to be a need

For me to try

You are succeeding on your own

Of getting rid of yourself

And then

I guess

I’ll just have to take your place

While you go and join

All those people you got sacked before


I can get away with murder

You can’t

Remember that next time you try!





I’m Unstoppable!


Why do I always doubt myself?

I always succeed anyway in the end

I feel so powerful right now

I could take a whole army by myself

Get out of my way!



No one

Will ever stop my in the pursuit of my destiny

I will accomplish every single thing I want

I will succeed at everything I put my mind to

And all of you

Small people trying to stop me

Will be wiped out of my path


I’m indestructible!

Whatever I want to achieve

I achieve it

Whatever obstacles you can see

I am blind to it

Nothing will stop me

No one will stop me


There is always a solution

The important thing

Is to not stop before it even begins

I need to go for it

Aware of the impossibility of it


I always find a way

To make it come true


Money is the least of my worry

I never had any

And yet

It never stopped me

So believe me

When I’m telling you

That I am going to build this empire

I will!


I’m following my great destiny

I’m unstoppable!





Power is nothing


Real power in this world

Is nothing

It does not give me any buzz

I don’t care

For deciding the destiny of millions

Their fate

Their faith

It is insignificant

The real power is in the head

It is psychological

When you really feel powerful

Ready to create a new universe

Motivated like never

This is significant

This is real power

Creating something huge

When you’re off your mind


For that I might skip ending my life

For that power I sense in me

That never ending potential

To change everything

Without any real power in the physical world

It is worth living for

Power is nothing

No good ever came of it

But being powerful in your own mind

Can change the world

On a massive scale





Tomorrow, we’re all sick


I’m tired

To make you money

I have other personal projects to work on

I have a business plan to write

A business that will need to exist

Without any investors

You can understand that this is difficult

And requires a lot of my time

As it stands

I have no time

So tomorrow

I’ve decided

I’ll be sick

So I can work like hell

On what will finally be

My salvation

From people like you

From what it is that I have to do

To pay for my survival

You’re too greedy

You want my whole life

I can’t afford it

I need time

To work on my liberation

From my slave condition

To the one of master

I’m sorry it can only be accomplished

On your time

It’s your fault

When is it last time I even had a day off?

You own my life

But if I’m sick tomorrow

I might change all that

I’m so dead though

I might need to sleep all day

Just to become human again

I can’t let that stop me

I’m going to work on my way out

On your time

I don’t care about the consequences

That you might think less of me

Even if tomorrow is Friday

And it will look suspicious

You’re making my life such a living hell

Deal with it!

I need to work on my way out

That’s final

Tomorrow I’m sick

Tomorrow, we’re all sick!

Just get up at seven

Pick up the phone

Don’t even fake it

Shout that you are sick of it all!

That you can’t stand it anymore!

And then, enjoy your day

And thank me later


We’re all sick





One more day in the Bible Belt,

and I might have to shoot you all


Salt Lake City

You must be joking

What were you thinking?

Oh yeah, right, I wanted to end up in America

But Utah?

The Bible Belt?

How long do you think I can survive here?

One day?

That’s my guess too

If I’m not being arrested

Before even buying a forbidden fruit

Like… I don’t know

An apple perhaps?


I am the immoralist here

I am the ultimate mistake of nature

I am humanity’s greatest sin reincarnated

And from what I hear

I am humanity’s greatest threat!


What do you think I can achieve

In Salt Lake City?

Where they found those

Dead Sea Invented Secret Scrolls made of Gold?

Or whatever…


How many days?

Oh my god!

Oh My God…

You want the end of the world

That’s for sure

Or the end of me

That’s for sure


There’s no getting to them

They’re already sold

To the Republicans

One more day in the Bible Belt

And I might have to

Make them understand

Who I am

And my right to exist

By the only mean available to me


There’s no getting to them

They’re already sold

To God

One more day in the Bible Belt

And I might have to

Make them understand

Without mercy


Shooting them all





Desperate for a gun in America


That’s right

I so think that the solution to

All humanity’s problems

Hang with me owning a gun


Believe me!

I need a gun!

Help me get one!



I could achieve great things in America with a gun

I could finally get that world to work

To think!

I’m sure of it


This is the only language anyone can understand

That is the only language I can understand

Give me a gun!

A big one


I’ll change the world

I’ll make it a success

I’ll make you all the profit you’ll ever need

Holding the planet at ransom


That’s my destiny

That’s what I was born for

I’ll crush them

I’ll crucify them all

To our own advantage


I’ll make them understand the urgency at hand

Got to meet my deadline

Got to make a few millions here

Got to turn you into Jesus-Christ himself


You’ve got it all wrong!

Forget these damned management consultants

I don’t need more processes

I don’t need a new job description

I don’t need a new Manager

And more stuff to do with no time for it


I need a gun!

That’s all I need!

I’ll make your dream come true

I’ll put them all in line

I’ll collect the money


We’ll make it!

I assure you

You’ll be rich

Beyond your wildest dreams


Forget all your bollocks

If you want real and tangible results

Stop spending millions on management consultants

Just give me a gun…





The Mormon’s Disney Land in Utah


Too late, I’m a Mormon now!

Just as planned

I went to Salt Lake City

Visited the Temple

The Disney World they built

To convince me

That Jesus-Christ was the way forward


Didn’t have to read the Mormon’s Book

Didn’t have to hear their philosophy

Didn’t have to hear the truth

I just had to be guided around

By the most beautiful and pure

Utah girl there is

Sitting down by the Tabernacle

With her Mormon’s blond hair


Want a trip

To this 1.5 billion dollars Mormon’s shopping mall darlin’?

I’ve seen the weirdest dresses there

My God, must belong to Jesus’ mother herself

You would look so pure in this

I tell ya!

Oh dear, oh dear

It was just too much for my poor mind

I fell in love instantly

Ready to sell my soul to whomever

To get her forever and ever

Never mind that divorce is not an option

That cancelling a marriage is an alien concept

I want as many babies to pop out

Of between her two legs

As possible

I’m sold

I’m the biggest Mormon you have ever seen

Where do I pay my tithing or tilting or whatever?

40% of my salary (10% before tax)

And all you needed to convince me

Was that angel

Of a Utah girl

That you have walking us around

Your Mormon’s Disney Land





What Salt Lake City has got to offer


Sorry we could not match the date of our Nuclear conference

With the ski season

Well, we have learned a valuable lesson

And next year

The Nuclear event will coincide with the ski season

Still, I hope you took advantage

Of what the city had to offer

The biggest Mormon’s temple in the world for a start

You don’t see that everyday

And if this is not your kind of thing

There is a planetarium down the road

Exhibiting a rock that came from the Moon

Well worth the detour

And what else

Well, that’s about it

After that

Just one more thing to do

Get into a private club

Get drunk

Go home






Let me buy you out just to shut you up


That’s it

I’m annoyed now

I’m no longer amused

We’re in America here

I’ve got a few billions behind me

You better shut up


I might just buy you out

And shut your big mouth out

For good


What the fuck are you talking about?

We’re purer than pure

We define what’s pure here, you see

We define what should be done

Where the money should go

What the government should do

We dictate around here


I’m sorry you didn’t know

You’re about to find out

I’m not sorry to say


I have unlimited powers

I have infinite budgets

Just to shut you up

You’ll never know what hit you

I can tell you that for free


But since you do not listen

You’re about to find out

How much this will cost you


I don’t need to ask permission

I don’t need to consider your future

You’re dead and that’s it


With any luck

I might not even need

To get my big guns out

You’ll die peacefully

Just as expected

You’re such a wimp

You’ll crawl out at the first alarm bell


This is how we do business in America

Shut up now


One way or another

I can assure you

You’re dead





Just continue to follow the trends


I’m a victim

Of the passing trend

Of what’s popular now

Of what will define that very year

Down in history

How sad

It is not my choice

Of course

Then again

I am powerless to stop it

I cannot define that trend

I’m pushed into an existing one

Don’t want that

Can’t distinguish myself then

I can’t be me then

Can I?


I need to define these trends

I need to reinvent what it is

That will be

This year

Every year

I need to be one step further

I need to keep control over what I do

What I want to achieve

I’m the one who should be defining

Those new trends


I am representing


I am demanding more control

I am demanding

Yes I am


We should invent those trends ourselves

We need to decide around here

We do not need to follow blindly

The trends of others

In time this will mean only one thing

We were the victims

Not the victors


I’ll establish those trends

I’ll reinvent all fashions

This is art

I’ll create this world

Every year


This is the only way

Trust me

I’m all the PR you’ll ever need

They will follow me blindly

Believe me


Around here

From now on

I’ll create the new trends





Compensating for being Extra Fat


Oh dear

Big PR problem here

You’re extra fat!

What do you expect us to do here?

How can you hope

To revolutionize the world

Being extra fat?

Maybe if we dress you

In all those expensive extra black suits

And bleach your hair

And then turn them into a bright shade of red

You might pass for some sort of anarchist

We might save you after all

From utter destruction

But I fear

A miracle is in order here

Could you just go on a diet?

Atkins perhaps?

You know?

You have three months before we hit the market

We can use old photos for now

If need be

Don’t worry, we’ll make you look good

But once it hits the world

You’re on your own

You better look good

Or else…

You’re finished

This is, millions of dollars down the drain



Or I’m afraid

All is lost

Even red hair won’t change anything now

No matter how genius you are

You’re lost

I’m sorry

There’s just no compensating

For you

Being extra fat





I’m Dying Here!


Oh God!

I’m dying here!

It’s not right!

Nothing is right!

I’m in the wrong place

At the wrong time

But I was there!

At the right place

At the right time

Nothing happened!

What are you playing at?

How can you consider sending me back there?

Nothing will happen!

I know that

Makes no difference now

If I understand that I was

At the right place at the right time

It will no longer be

If I am out of it

Able to understand

That I was

At the right place

At the right time


And no longer

I’m fucked!

Or am I?

Just not sure

It might still explode

God knows

You know

Tell me!

Was I?

Am I?

Right place?

Right time?

I better be

I better have been

I better always be!

For my sake

And yours

I better make history

After all that

I have gone through

Or else


There was

No point

To live

At all

And that









I’ve survived another suicide attempt


I’m back from the dead

Once again

It is beyond my comprehension

That every single time

So far

I’ve missed my golden chance

To end it all


I don’t miss my chance on purpose

Every time, I almost reach it

I just know that one day that will be it

I just won’t wake up the next day


I’m always between two minds about it

Would I still feel the same the next morning?

Once I’m no longer drunk

Once I’m no longer under the influence

Will I still then

Wish to be dead?

After being so certain of it?

The night before?


But what about when I reach that point

Of wishing it

All heartedly

Without even being drunk?

What to make of that?

I reach that very point

Every day now


My God

I’m that close

To end my life

As some sort of useless thing

Not even worth considering

In the cold light of day


Another failed attempt

How sad

Am I just playing with the concept?

You think

You wish

You would never believe anything

Until it fucking happens for real


I don’t miss my chance on purpose

Every time, I almost reach it

I just know that one day that will be it

I won’t wake up the next day





I cannot be trusted, I will fail every time


You would think I was

The trustable type


Leave it to me!

I’ll take care of everything

Why not?

What are you worried about?

I’ve got a brain

So at least I thought

I’ll deal with it

Get out! Get out…

I can be trusted

I’ll take care of everything


Oh dear

I guess I was wrong

I cannot be trusted

You should never have left

You should never have

Trusted everything to me

I’ve destroyed everything

Just as I thought

Just as expected

It was so easy to reach that point

You would never believe

I cannot be trusted

I destroyed it all

Faster than thinking

About the fact that I had to be doubly careful about it

I failed


Now you’re free to think

Whatever you want about me

I’ll fail you every time

I’m just

Not perfect

I could never be

I never wanted to be

I destroyed everything

And it was to be expected

I knew it

You should have seen it as well

I am not like the others

I am not perfect

I will never be

I’ve always known it

They have told you already

That I was not it

And yet

You did not believe them

You thought I had some sort of potential

How ridiculous


Now you know

There was no hope for me

It took me less than a week

To destroy it all


The only gracious thing to do

Is to announce

My resignation

Something I wanted to ask

For a long time now

One more argument

To justify it

To justify my utter failure

Thank you!

Thank you

For whatever

I’m not sure why


Who cares?

I’m gone





Qu’en pensez-vous?


I’ve been wrecking my life

For this damn book

Thinking that

This hell

Will somehow be worth it

Because somehow

It will be saying something significant

To you


Qu’en pensez-vous?

Is it helpful?

Is it making any difference?

Or I am just under the illusion

That this is meaningful?

When it is not?

And could never be?

Am I just destroying myself

In the process?

I think so

Cos’ there’s no hope for any of you

I’ve known that

For a damn long time

I’m all alone

On this path of destruction

There’s only one life

That will not survive this adventure


I’ll have to assume my mistakes

I’ll have to admit my failure

I’ll have to accept

This hell

My hell

I’ve gambled it all

Thinking I was up to it

I was not

I’ll pay

For the consequences

For you

Not being able

To think anything about it



What was I thinking?

Vous n’en pensez rien





Hounslow West, my Lesser Hell



When you are at the point

Of killing yourself

Some weird and useless memory

Comes back to mind

For no reason

Other than to remind you

That perhaps

You existed before

In some sort of other form of life


Hounslow West

That is what comes back to mind now

How ironic

As I then thought

Of ending it all

There and there

Every single morning was the same

I got up

I walked to Hounslow West

I was listening every morning

To the same music

The one I’m listening to right now ten years later

As some sort of liberation

From my actual hell

When then

I thought I was in hell


How funny

That now I can think back

On those simpler times

That I feel now

Was a happy time

I was happy then

Without realizing it


For sure

You never know

Until you experience

Something even worse


Hounslow West!

What I thought was hell then

Is paradise now


Let me go back!

Let me go back to these simpler times

When and where I was happy


Hounslow West


My life

My lesser hell


It is still within my reach

It is still there waiting for me

Every morning if I want to

I can be there tomorrow morning

Walking that same path

Listening to the same music

How wonderful

That this is not in the past

Lost forever

Like everything else in my life

Which has been lost forever


Hounslow West

Is the one thing

That in my past

Is still beyond my reach


I’ll do anything

To go back in time

And this time

Fully appreciate

To the fullest

My lesser hell





I’m crying for London again!


I don’t understand

I’ve never cried in my entire life

I am so insensitive

You would never believe

And yet

I’ve been crying so much

In the last few months

I can’t even explain why

I’m not sure

What I’m crying about

What’s wrong with me?

I’m such a bastard anyway

Never thought about anyone or anything

But me

And perhaps some higher archetype

London, England

I don’t belong to Los Angeles

I don’t belong to America

I belong somewhere else

On this planet

Only one place in this world

Where I could


To happiness

Which is some great result

I never thought


That I could belong anywhere

But that is it

I belong to Isleworth

I belong to London

My heart ache

For me to return


And finally


That I belong there

Piccadilly Circus

It is mine forever

I lived right there

I’ve always been living there

Even when I did not even know

It ever existed

I’m bound to it

There’s no denying it now

I cannot be anywhere else in the world

China just won’t do

Los Angeles just won’t do

I’ve got to go back to London

And die there

This is where I will end it all

This is where I will die

Because there

It is like a virtual world

A dream world

Something that can only exist

In my wildest dreams

And sure enough

It is perhaps real

It seems to exist

In my mind

Surely I did not imagine it all?

Surely if I hurry

I can get back to it?

Never ever again

Will I then

Be separated

From the true and only love of my life






Another legal action against me


What I have done to the world

To be sued like this?

It seems that I cannot write a word anymore

Without enflaming the planet

They all want to sue me

For things I haven’t even said!

How many millions do these people think I have?


I said you were fat

Big deal

It’s true

Everyone can see it


I said you were crap

Big deal

It’s true

Everyone agrees

What’s wrong with you?

In need of publicity?

A PR machine?

I know some agencies if that is it

They work wonder

Just pump a few millions their way

They will make you, in an instant

Thin and great

They will make the world forget

That I said you were fat and crap

Don’t sue me!

Don’t force me to prove my point

To expose all your defects

Who you really are

Cos I’ll win





Wild in L.A.


First thing I did when I arrived in Los Angeles

I jumped into a cab

I asked the Mexican driver

Bring me where the action is!

He dropped me at some studio

I went in

I partied hard all night

Drinks and drugs available freely

We sat down in a corner

Wrote the greatest film script ever

Picked the Class A actors around us as the cast

Found the rich investors in the back room

Convinced them that this was it

The next big thing

Then we rush for the lawyers lost in another back room

We told them: here’s a few million dollars

We don’t care if you write that contract

Over the back of that whore you’re jumping

Use her oversized boobs if you need more space for the small print


And then I was abandoned on the sidewalk somewhere

With a big contract in my hand

I woke up the next day


Thank God I’m still alive!

Thank God I did not dream this!

I still have the contract in my hand

Then we shot the film

It was a huge success

And the rest is history


Is this really what you thought you were going to read about

When you decided to read this book?

I’m sorry to say

I have no contract

I mostly stayed in

Drinking for no good reason

But then again, you don’t need a reason in L.A.

And I left Los Angeles

With nothing to show for it

Bored out of my mind


But don’t worry about me

Los Angeles will make me rich

You’re reading this after all





Desperately Seeking Pubic Lice Lotion in L.A.


When I first arrived in Los Angeles

I met the most gorgeous actress

There is under the sun

I had great sex with her

I just love to fuck young blonde actresses

There’s one at every corner in L.A.

And then I called her back

She did not answer the phone

I was wondering what was wrong with me

Perhaps I was inadequate

Maybe I came too fast

Or is it when I told her I wanted to be an actor myself?

She must have freaked out when I asked to meet all her producers

And then one morning I understood

Why she was not calling back

I discovered a lot of new little friends that she gave me

She presented me to her producers after all

And now I am desperately seeking

Pubic lice lotion


So I calmed down

I stopped meeting actresses for a while

I cleaned myself

I decided, why not go for the big wigs instead?

Maybe they’re clean of little friends?

I slept with the most disgusting man on the planet

He was old

He was fat

He was ugly

And that was only matched by how much power he has

And how big his wallet is

And then, I called him back

He did not answer the phone

I was wondering what was wrong with me

Perhaps I was insufficient

Maybe it is because I did not ejaculate?

Or is it when I told him I wanted him to finance my next sci-fi blockbuster?

Well, I only needed half a billion dollars after all

That’s nothing for him

And then one morning I understood

Why he was not calling back

I discovered a lot of new little friends that he gave me

He gave me a lot of Hollywood contacts after all

And now I am desperately seeking


Pubic lice lotion


And that my friends

Is the end of my adventures in Los Angeles

All I was able to find in my daring quest

Was a lot of new little friends

They suck your blood dry slowly

They multiply to infinity

If not treated

They kill you in the end

This is Los Angeles for you

All that there is to expect

A town full of pubic lice

Waiting to suck you dry

Now go and experience it for yourself!

And don’t forget

You’re little bottles of pubic lice lotion!

That’s all you really need to succeed

In Hollywood





Completely screwed up


How can it be otherwise?

This world is trying its hardest

To screw us up completely


No humanity can remain

I am!

Completely screwed up

Years of therapy will be necessary

To make sense of anything

I have ever said

I’m out of my mind

I do not know what I am doing

I am like a machine

Accomplishing the same tasks

Over and over and over

Again and again and again

I do not know where I am!

I don’t understand

What it is that I do!

I’m so lost…

I need saving

As I have lost everything

I do not possess anything anymore

I never possessed anything

I barely acknowledge

That I might

Have existed

Somewhere, for a while

And then somewhere else

For a while

I have the weirdest accent

From all those countries I am from

I can be from anywhere

Nobody knows

Nobody needs to know

That I am from nowhere

Completely screwed up

That’s what I am

Don’t try to make sense of anything

It does not make sense

Or else, I’d be happy

Happy go lucky

Lucky as hell

Maybe I am

Who knows

I’m confused

I’m screwed up

Your greatest achievement

For sure

I’ve seen it!

I’ve seen it all!

I’m from everywhere!

I have witnessed everything

There is on this Earth

You will not teach me tricks

I know them all

I thought I was screwed up

I understand now

That you are

Screwed up

Completely screwed up

And I am just plain normal





There’s no end to it


I died that night…

On the longest road ever

Going all the way to the North

Where there are no more cities

No more people

I’m listening to the most

Provocative music ever

Meaningful music

Going at an astonishing 150 miles an hour

On ice

While the snow is raging


This is happiness

This is the ultimate moment

Running along so fast

Trees passing by

Snow not slowing anyone

Just pure craziness

Seeing ghosts

Making weird decisions

Putting one’s life

Back into question

Right there

I made the most spectacular accident

I died for sure

Many times over

In all these parallel universes

I felt it deep

I am the only one left alive

Living to tell the tale

Of how crazy I was that night

Being alive for a change

Listening to the darkest music there is

I was already gone

I was already dead

I was asking for it

I was desperate

On this lone road going up North


Might as well have been

The only road to the North Pole

I was so alive!

I was alone

And I died

Many times over

I felt it

We all died that night

Now I am the only survivor

I should have just died

Like all the others

I feel



I’m telling you

I know

I died that night…





Tonight I am alive!


Where have you been?

Don’t tell me

It does not matter

You could not have gone

Anywhere of any significance

It’s nothing

Compared with where I am

I’m out of this world

I’ve always been

My brain does not register

So many nights

Of being out of my mind

Does not matter

I tell you

It’s nothing

Don’t worry

I don’t care

You can’t understand

I’m out of here!

Tonight I am alive!

It is all in my mind

Full of deception

My own imagination

I can be so powerful you know

You do not matter

You never did

I’m out of it

I live in a different universe

Sometimes I’m dead

Sometimes I just don’t realize I’m alive


Tonight, I am alive

I am filled with all the power there is

I am electrified!

I have been living much more

In my mind than

In this reality

I discovered that a long time ago

I knew

I have always known that I was different

I am just incompatible with life

I never found myself


I never liked to be with people

I have always loved

To be alone

Then, and only then

Can I be myself

And so powerful

More alive than anyone has ever been

You will never know

What it means

To be alive

For a change

It’s all in the mind

When you’re far gone

And have always been

Tonight, I am alive!





I Shall be Free!


Written everywhere

In every religious book

Here is the lone line

Most wanted

Forever and ever

I shall be free!

And yet

No one is

We have not been saved

We have not been liberated

From religion

From politics

From social hierarchy

We are not free!

And shall never be!

You can die here tonight

You can eat your words

Your commands

Your powers


I shall be free!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Shut up!

This just won’t do

You do not understand

Get out of my way!


I shall be free!

I’ll make it happen

I’ll obliterate you

From space if necessary

I’ll find a way

To make you disappear forever

I shall be free!

You’ll never understand

Cos’ you’re blind

You do not know the meaning

You are lost


I am not

I shall be free!

Who are you?

To decide for me?

To tell me what to do?

To stop me in my tracks

To condemn me

To a life of misery?

If no one is capable

Of telling you

How insignificant you are

I’ll prove it to you

I’ll erase you from history

I shall be free!

This is beyond anything anyone has ever known

This is greater than the universe

It is the ultimate pursuit of existence

Beyond anything there ever was


There is no other way

No one can stop it

Mark my word

Forever and ever

I shall be free!





There is still hope for me


That’s my life!

This is my purpose

This is what defines me

I’m still capable

Of disconnecting myself


From this world

There is still hope for me

As long as I can

Move away

Place myself outside of it


The pettiness of this world

And understand

That I am not part of it

That I live way beyond it

There is still hope for me

I can replace myself

In the right context

Where I am

On my course towards

My real destiny

And see everything else

As meaningless

Not really existing

Cannot be affected by anything


I’m just an observer


This is my duty

And yet I’m just a spy

I do not suffer

I learn and I report

That’s my real job

And then I am removed from it all

I move on

I go and learn somewhere else

And report something else

I do not suffer

I don’t have the time for that

I am disconnected

I am never really there

Never there for long anyway

Just the time to take the pulse

Of the nation

And I’m gone

That’s just perfect for me

Never less than six months

Never more than a year

Just enough to never suffer

Just enough to feel

Disconnected from it all

Just enough for it all

To feel like it is a game

That I play for a while

Before disappearing forever

Towards new horizons

What a life!

Of suffering

But never for too long

I’m beyond that

As long as I understand this

As long as I can integrate that

There is still hope for me





You must think I’m an old pervert


Considering what I am about to do

With my life

I’m sure

You must think I’m an old pervert

That I am insanity reincarnated

A negative force of nature which needs to be eradicated

You would be right

I’m out of control

I am the anarchist of your destiny

 I confront the truth

I confront the taboos

I’ll make it my business

I’ll make sure all these subjects are debated to death

It is my duty

There’s method in my madness

I’m far from being what you think I am

Because you will always fail to see the irony

I’m laughing at you

I’m having fun at your expense

And I’ll make a fortune on the back of it

Not without reaching certain respectable goals

These taboo subjects need to be debated

Talked about


Who else but me

Can make sure of it?

Solving all the real problems of humanity

Solving instantly every single neurosis

By making sure that we do talk about

What is shameful

Psychological blockage

Can’t talk about that

Yes we can

Talk about that

This is the irony of it

Within years I’ll be a rich man

And I will have helped this world beyond belief

Just by

Bringing up taboos

And making sure we debate them all

To death





Notice of Resignation, The Perfect Sample Letter


Please accept this letter as my notice of resignation, effective today

Finally! I got the courage to tell you to get lost!

This wasn't an easy decision

You bet! The easiest I have ever made

Because I am grateful for the rewarding employment I've had with your company

Ah! One more week, I would have been dead, or I would have killed everyone

But after long hours of consideration

Well, one long second in fact

I have made my decision and it is now final

Don’t you think to do me a counter offer,

you would need to sack the whole office before I even reconsider my decision

I will shortly after return to London

You can keep your Los Angeles all to yourself, I don’t want it

It's been a great pleasure working with you

A fucking nightmare that was

I wish you continued success

Well in fact, I could not care less

Please feel free to call on me if I can help to ensure a smooth transition

Don’t call us, we won’t call you


Go fuck yourself!





Leaving Los Angeles


How could I?

How can I turn my back

To what I always deeply wanted?

Have I not reached paradise?

Is it not where I always wanted to be?

I’ve got a good reason

You will never believe it


I’m leaving Los Angeles

With the greatest smile

Any face as ever seen

Because I’m in love

You cannot understand

What this really means

Because you don’t know

That I have never been capable of love

Sex, desire, complacency


But love?

That’s not me

I never knew what that was

And yet

Here I am

Leaving all my dreams behind

For a concept

Which has long passed its passed date

A desperate kind of love

A love with no future

And I’m not talking infatuation here

This relationship has gone on for over ten years

After ten years

Love is usually dead

We’re condemned to go to a restaurant

Ignoring our partner

Not saying a word

Being more interested in

What’s happening at the table next door

We are then usually in dream mode

Hoping to be with someone else


Hoping perhaps that something unexpected will happen

That the Prince Charming will sweep us from our reality

And start living all over again

The right way this time

Where this impossible and unreachable love

Will mean everything


It has been years now

We have a family

Of cats, snakes, tortoises, fish and a dog

And I am deeply in love

I cannot imagine myself anywhere else in the world

Oh shit

Here I am

Crying again

Get a grip!

There are bastards to be fought

There are points to be made

There are dreams to be accomplished

What is love in all this?


If anything

This is what will destroy a great destiny

And yet I can’t help it

I’m already sold to love

I’m going back to London





Garage Sale, a Bargain!


For Sale

Los Angeles

Nice town, with a few studios and weird people

A few religious fanatics

And lots of artifice!

Price: only five dollars!

A bargain!

For Sale

One American President

Used but perhaps still good to clean floors

Small in nature with ideas of grandeur

Religious freak, excellent to unblock your pipes and sinuses

A real cure to constipation

Has been the shame of the country

And we just decided we no longer needed him

Perhaps you can put him to good use in some other country

Should not be allowed to be more than a mayor of a small town in the North Pole

Or else, he might get out of control and annihilate the planet

Price: one American dollar

A bargain!

For Sale

One big American Corporate World

Price: 50 billion dollars

On one condition only

We never want to hear from it ever again!

Buy it, bury it, and make it disappear for good

No more slavery

No more all mighty managers and directors

No more lives belonging to companies

No more 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 and overtime

We can even let you have it at a discount

Adjusted price: 5 cents

A bargain!

For Sale

One huge Plasma TV!

Connected directly to your brain!

The American Dream come true

Hollywood in your living room

Day and night

We’ll give away a 24 pack of beers with it

We’ll take your winging wife in parts and exchange

And you can finally do what you were meant to do all your life

Watch TV in Surround Sound with 25 or so Speakers and Woofers

Without the need for a boring daily job

Or a stupid wife in the background wondering

Why you still haven’t got a job

We also sell a children exterminator

You can get rid of them right here right now!

Just put them in the machine

And poof… they’re gone!

It is simplicity itself

Peace on a massive scale

Isn’t it the time for you to sort your life out?

We’ve got the solution to all your problems

Price: priceless





Whatever your achievements,

it will always be useless


What are your achievements?

To someone out of your world

Who does not give a shit?


Totally useless

Are you making a difference?

Oh yeah?


I don’t give a shit

And hence

You’re useless

I don’t care if you’re rich as a consequence

I don’t care if you’re recognized in your milieu

I don’t care!

You’re nothing to me

And hence

You’re nothing

What are you to God?

What are you to Destiny?

Who are you, really?


Don’t get me going

I could go on all night

You do not impress me

You seem like nothing to me

What are you talking about?

Are you so disconnected?

Or am I?

Do me a favor

Just get lost!





Living beyond everyone’s expectations


Being entrusted with a mission

To live up to everyone’s expectations

You cannot fail

I’m sorry

There’s no possible excuse here

You’ve got to go beyond expectations

The simplest rule

The most basic law

Use your imagination!

Use everything you’ve got!

You’ve got to live to expectations

No other choice available

Second rate stuff is obvious

Rehash stuff is unforgivable

Beyond expectations

Think about it

And think further


Never thought before

Beyond the recycling of old ideas

Forget about it!

Forget it!

That’s not new…

Where have you been living for the last 100 years?

You need to know everything there is under the sun

You need to move beyond it

That’s what we call beyond expectation

If you heard it before

If anyone heard of it before

I’m sorry

It won’t do

Imagination is beyond boundaries

Some things are not old under the sun

Think it!

Make it come true!

I don’t care if you have to read 1000 books to get there

Read anthologies and almanacs

Rethink it all!

Re-invent it all!

New blood

Is what is required

Or else, we’ll never go anywhere

Are you capable?

Of re-inventing the wheel?

You better be

Or else

You might just as well


You have no choice

You have to

Live beyond anyone’s expectations

Now, tell me

Am I succeeding?

In living beyond all expectations?





Do we need to alienate the whole world?


Do I need to alienate the whole planet?

In order to make a point?

A statement?

About what this world is all about?


Well I did

Alienate the whole planet

In what I consider to be

My best page ever written

And I’m sorry I did

This actual last page is not the one you should be reading

It was just too extreme

It was just too truthful

It was just too painful

And at that point

You simply shut down

Not listening to a word I said

You jumped into attack mode

I must be destroyed at any cost

Cos I’ve hurt you deeply

Where it hurts the most

Your true nature

All exposed here for all to read and see

And all you could do to stop it all

Was to annihilate me

Make me disappear from this world

As quickly as possible

Making sure that no one will ever hear the truth

About what you are actually doing in this world

Who you really are

Ultimate destruction of just about everything and everyone

That I’m saying here

In the vaguest terms

So no one will feel like I am attacking them

So that no one will feel like

Sending me back to my mother’s womb

Where obviously

I should have never come out from in the first place

And this is true

I was unexpected

Not wanted

So be it

If I have to censor myself

To reach any of you

I will have to

What choice do I have?

No need to alienate the whole planet just yet

I’ll keep that last page for myself

For now

But one day

It will come out

You will be directly attacked

You will not be able to stop me

Because at that point

I will no longer care

If I alienate the whole planet

Or not

Such a powerful page

That it could have such an impact on this world

No worry

I’ve censored myself

In order to reach some of you

In order to prevent your complete shut down

Standing in front of the truth

Stopping you from thinking a bit

From considering what you are all about

There’s no freedom of speech in this world

But one day

There will be

And that day

You will have to see yourself for what you really are

Sleep well tonight

This day has not yet arrived

I’ve censored myself

Like the rest of the world

I have decided

To not alienate the whole planet

Just yet

When I know damn well

That I should

Do I need to alienate the whole planet?

Yes I do

Not sure why

Not sure if it serves a purpose

Is it worth it?

If I have to destroy myself in the process?

Am I making any sort of difference?

I think so

I know so

Do I need to alienate the whole planet?

Yes I do!

One day I will

Be much more extreme

Talking in no uncertain terms

I will tell it all

Just as it is

I will attack you directly

No more censorship

Your corruption

Your lies

Your insanity

Your destruction

I will

Tell it all

Just as it should be

Do we need to alienate the whole planet?

If we want in any way

To build a better world?

Where love and altruism could actually mean something?

The answer is

In no unequivocal terms



Just pick it up

From where I left it

Short of

Alienating the whole planet

For one sheep

Lost amongst the billions

For someone who was not supposed to be

In the first place

What one unwanted life

Can do to this world

To change it irretrievably

Beyond recognition

What a great destiny!





I have lived! And now I can die…


Have you lived?

Have you got out of where you were born?

Have seen the world as I saw it?

Have you lived everywhere

Your heart was telling you to go?

Have you broke free

From just about everything

Ready to stop you to achieve your dreams?


Then you do not deserve to die

You have not seen the world

You know nothing about what’s out there

Get up!

Get out!

Explore the world

Listen to your sense of adventure

Forget everyone standing up in your way

Push them away!

You will see that world for yourself

You will live there for years

It will mean everything to you

You will achieve your dreams!

No one can stand in your way

The world won’t listen

Why should you?

Change country

Find out for yourself

That it is the just the same

But until you find out for yourself

You just don’t know

You cannot just die yet

You have not seen anything

You have not lived

How sad would it be

To die

Without having at least lost your illusions?

Your dreams!

Find out first that there’s no hope

To ever make you happy in this world

Before abandoning it

Who knows

You might get lucky

You might actually find what you’re looking for

I thought I did

In Paris, in London, in New York, in Los Angeles

Now I know I was wrong

I’ve met everyone!

I’ve seen the world!

I have lived!

And now I can die…






